From Grey’s Anatomy: Season 14 Episode 23: ‘Cold As Ice’ (14×23)
Owen Hunt: I was up all night, worrying about Leo being too cold, so then I made it too hot, then I woke him up. Hey, when did Tuck start sleeping through the night?
Miranda Bailey: You're asking parenting advice?
Owen Hunt: Yeah, I just can't seem to find the right...
Miranda Bailey: You ever heard of the black lace-weaver spider?
Owen Hunt: The...
Miranda Bailey: Well, she lays about 50 to 100 eggs, and when her babies reach a certain age, she taps her web and calls them to her. They swarm her, stab into her with their straw-like stingers, the mother's innards liquefy, and they suck her up, like a milkshake, for their nourishment, leaving her a dead husk, and then, they go on with their lives. That's parenting. That's my advice.
Owen Hunt: Huh. Well, that's helpful. Thanks. Yeah.
From Grey’s Anatomy: Season 14 Episode 23: ‘Cold As Ice’ (14×23)
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