From 13 Reasons Why – Season 4 Episode 6: ‘Thursday’ (4×06) | Produced by Netflix
Estela de la Cruz: Why would someone do something like this?
Tyler Down: Maybe they're in a lot of pain, and they think that this'll make it stop.
Estela de la Cruz: Why would hurting someone else make it stop?
Tyler Down: It doesn't, but you don't know that. You're just... You're so sad, and that sadness makes you angry... all the time. Like you thought making a fist would feel good, and it does. You feel strong again, but then you can never... never unclench that fist, and you just feel like... like you just need to hurt someone else.
Estela de la Cruz: Did you hurt someone else?
Tyler Down: I almost did, but my friends... helped me get better.
Estela de la Cruz: I'm glad that you didn't do anything.
From 13 Reasons Why – Season 4 Episode 6: ‘Thursday’ (4×06) | Produced by Netflix
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