From Star Wars: The Clone Wars – Season 2 Episode 8: ‘Brain Invaders’ (2×08)
Ahsoka Tano: I was just thinking about what you said earlier, about enjoying the peace while it lasts. As a Jedi, I'm not sure I know how to do that.
Barriss Offee: Master Windu has said we are keepers of the peace, not warriors. However, once the war is over, it will be our job to maintain the peace.
Ahsoka Tano: Yes, but will we do so as keepers of the peace or warriors? And what's the difference?
Barriss Offee: I don't have all the answers, Ahsoka. Like you, I am a learner. What does your Master tell you?
Ahsoka Tano: Anakin? Oh, um... You might find some of his thoughts on the future a bit radical.
Barriss Offee: Really? Why?
Ahsoka Tano: Let's just say my Master will always do what needs to be done. I'm not even sure how peacetime will agree with him.
From Star Wars: The Clone Wars – Season 2 Episode 8: ‘Brain Invaders’ (2×08)
Listed in: Ahsoka Tano, Barriss Offee, Quotes, Star Wars: The Clone Wars, TV shows
Published on: 10.8.2018
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