Alec Lightwood: The love I have for you…

Magnus Bane: Is a love that knows no bounds.

Alec Lightwood: In times of joy as well as sadness…

Magnus Bane: In sickness and in health…

Alec Lightwood: I will love you as my equal.

Magnus Bane: And protect you above all else.

Alec Lightwood: I will share with you my truest feelings.

Magnus Bane: And when you speak, I will listen.

Alec Lightwood: I will catch you when you fall.

Magnus Bane: And when you soar, I will help you reach your greatest heights.

Alec Lightwood: Magnus Bane…

Magnus Bane: Alexander Gideon Lightwood…

Alec and Magnus: I am and will always be your loving husband.

Brother Zachariah: It is my honor to pronounce you one.

From Shadowhunters – Season 3 Episode 22: ‘All Good Things…’ (3×22)