Hephaestus: I know your mother was displeased with you recently. We both know how she gets. But this was a lot. Even for her. You walk outta here with that shield… and you're a hero. On your way to the greatest glory. She'll be proud and you will be forgiven, and all will go back to being as it always has been, always will be... as it should be.
Annabeth Chase: It isn't how it should be! It isn't! Eat or be eaten. Power and glory and nothing else matters. Ares is that way, Zeus is that way, my mother is that way. (about Percy): He isn't that way. He's better than that. Maybe I was that way once. But I don't wanna be that way anymore. I won't be like all of you. I just won't.
Hephaestus: Some of us don't like being that way either.
This quote comes from a TV series ‘Percy Jackson and the Olympians’. The scene where this moment comes from is in Season 1 Episode 5, with the title of ‘A God Buys Us Cheeseburgers’ (1×05). Percy Jackson is based on a book series of the same name written by Rick Riordan. | The series Percy Jackson and the Olympians is produced by 20th Television (Disney+)

20th Television (Disney+)
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