From Supernatural – Season 13 Episode 22: ‘Exodus’ (13×22)
Gabriel: Lucifer, do you really see a version here where he sticks by you?
Lucifer: I think the kid is pretty blown away by the old man, so... Yeah. I do.
Gabriel: He's a kid. He likes shiny objects and magic tricks. But he's not like you. I can see it in his eyes. His mother's bloodline, the Winchesters' influence...
Lucifer: I can be an influence.
Gabriel: Ugh. He's not gonna want that. He'll see who... what you are.
Lucifer: I've changed.
Gabriel: Dude, it's me. I've known you since the stars were made. You can't change. You're incapable of empathy or love. You live to be worshipped or feared. Or both.
Lucifer: Okay. I-I see that you've -- you've drunk the Kool-Aid. Fine.
Gabriel: Oh, is this the part where you tell me that, uh, Dad made up all those so-called lies about you? Got it.
Lucifer: Yeah! Yeah, Pop locked me up, okay?
Gabriel: Don't you get it? Humans were innocent and beautiful. But you... you couldn't stand that the old man loved them more than he loved you. So you tempted them and you corrupted them just to prove how flawed they were.
Lucifer: You better be careful, man.
Gabriel: Dad saw that your evil was like the first few cells of cancer... that it would spread like the disease unless he cut it out. That is why he locked you up, to stop the cancer. But it was too late then. And guess what? It's too late for you now.
From Supernatural – Season 13 Episode 22: ‘Exodus’ (13×22)
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