Tony Padilla: Come on, come stand next to me like we always do. Like Papá taught us. Right? Come here. Arturo and Rosa Padilla came to this country in…

Graciella Padilla: 1999.

Tony Padilla: 1999. And we have five children. Fernando. Marco. Raul. Antonio. And…

Graciella Padilla: Graciella.

Tony Padilla: Graciella. Look at how good we look. Right? You see all of us? No matter… what may come… or where we go… if it’s one person in the mirror or all of us, we remember how good we are. Graciella, look at me. I’m going to need you to remember on your own for a little bit.

From 13 Reasons Why – Season 3 Episode 6: ‘You Can Tell the Heart of a Man by How He Grieves’ (3×06) | Produced by Netflix