This quote comes from a TV series Star Wars Rebels. The scene where this moment comes from is in Season 2 Episode 9, with the title of ‘Stealth Strike’ (2×09). The show is a part of the Star Wars Universe. | Star Wars Rebels is produced by Lucasfilm
(Kanan and Rex wake up from being unconscious...)
Kanan Jarrus: What just happened?
Ezra Bridger: Oh. Uh... Did you see them? We were so outnumbered. There was a firefight. A big firefight, actually. You guys fought great.
Kanan Jarrus: Thanks. All I saw was you.
(Chopper shows them holorecording of what happened...)
Kanan Jarrus: You shot us! I can't believe you shot us!
Ezra Bridger: I mean, you, you were dressed like stormtroopers.
Kanan Jarrus: Yeah!
Captain Rex (laughs): You shot us.
Ezra Bridger: I set it to stun.
Captain Rex: Yeah, well, you should've used kill.
Kanan Jarrus: What!?
Captain Rex: Well, just in case it wasn't us. I mean...
Kanan Jarrus: This armor doesn't protect you from anything.
Captain Rex: Well, I told you.
This quote comes from a TV series Star Wars Rebels. The scene where this moment comes from is in Season 2 Episode 9, with the title of ‘Stealth Strike’ (2×09). The show is a part of the Star Wars Universe. | Star Wars Rebels is produced by Lucasfilm
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