From Game of Thrones – Season 7 Episode 4: ‘The Spoils of War’ (7×04)
Jon Snow: My people... won't accept a southern ruler. Not after everything they've suffered.
Daenerys Targaryen: They will if their king does. They chose you to lead them. They chose you to protect them. Isn't their survival more important than your pride?
From Game of Thrones – Season 7 Episode 4: ‘The Spoils of War’ (7×04)
© 2025 Scattered Quotes
8.8.2017 at 23:55
I think Dany can be glad she was interupted after saying this, ’cause that could backfire pretty badly. Jon could say the same. Who cares who is called what, when the Night King arrives?
But I have to admit I like the fan suggestions to make them marry, so they can both get what they want… She did leave Daario behind to have the possibility to marry someone open and there aren’t much highborn men to choose from anymore.