Depression is living in a body that fights to survive, with a mind that tries to die.

– Unknown


What is the meaning of the quote?

This quote poignantly captures the internal struggle experienced by individuals with depression, illustrating the stark contrast between physical survival instincts and mental anguish.

On one hand, the body continues to function and fight to survive, driven by its inherent biological instincts for self-preservation. However, the mind, afflicted by depression, grapples with thoughts and feelings that may lead to a desire to escape life or cease existence.

The quote vividly portrays the dissonance between the body’s physical resilience and the mind’s psychological distress, highlighting the complex and often agonizing nature of depression. It conveys the profound sense of internal conflict and suffering that individuals with depression endure, as they navigate the relentless battle between their instinctual drive to live and their overwhelming emotional pain.

Overall, the quote offers a powerful insight into the experience of depression, emphasizing the profound impact it has on both the body and mind. It underscores the importance of recognizing and addressing mental health challenges with compassion, understanding, and support.



Depression Quotes: Depression is living in a body that fights to survive, with a mind that tries to die. - Unknown