From Game of Thrones – Season 4 Episode 8: ‘The Mountain and the Viper’ (4×08)
Roose Bolton: Tell me what you see.
Ramsay Snow: Nothing?
Roose Bolton: Not nothing. The North. Ride 700 miles that way, you're still in the North. 400 miles that way. 300 miles that way. The North is larger than the other six kingdoms combined. And I am the Warden of the North. The North is mine. Now tell me, what is your name?
Ramsay Snow: Ramsay Snow.
Roose Bolton: No, not Ramsay Snow. (gives Ramsay a letter) Open it. From this day until your last day, you are Ramsay Bolton, son of Roose Bolton, Warden of the North.
Ramsay Bolton: You honor me. I swear I will uphold your name and your tradition. I will be worthy of you, Father, I promise.
From Game of Thrones – Season 4 Episode 8: ‘The Mountain and the Viper’ (4×08)
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