Daniel LaRusso: Luckily, I had Mr. Miyagi to help me get my focus back. I got up… and finished the fight, and I won.

Sam LaRusso: I guess Mr. Miyagi always had a way of fixing things.

Daniel LaRusso: There’s no question his advice was something I needed to hear. But ultimately, I had to be the one to get up and do something. I still live with the fear, Sam. We all do on some level. I just try to not let it ever win. Sam, you’re the only one who can get up when you’re down. No one else. I promise, I will be there… always to help you. Just like Mr. Miyagi was there for me.

From Cobra Kai – Season 3 Episode 7: ‘Obstáculos’ (3×07) | Produced by Netflix