Read the top iconic lines by Hera Syndulla from the Star Wars Universe. We can find Hera in Star Wars Rebels (2014 series), Star Wars: The Bad Batch (2021 series), and Ahsoka (2023 series).
Hera Syndulla is Rebel, pilot, and leader of the Ghost crew during the Rebellion era. In the post-Empire era she is one of the well known Generals that helped the Rebellion win. She has a son Jacen Syndulla, who’s father is Kanan Jarrus.
Hera Syndulla is played by the actresses Vanessa Marshall & Mary Elizabeth Winstead.
Quotes are sorted in chronological order as they come up in the series.
1. “Flying is about a feeling.”
“Specs are only half of it. Flying is… It’s about a feeling. When I close my eyes and picture myself up there, I feel it. The instruments help guide you, but you plot your course. You’re free.”
(to Omega, Star Wars: The Bad Batch – Ep. 1×11)

2. “If all you do is fight for your own life, then your life is worth nothing.”
“If all you do is fight for your own life, then your life is worth nothing.”
(to Ezra, Star Wars Rebels – Ep. 1×01)
3. “There isn’t a pilot in the Imperial fleet that can outrun me.”
“There isn’t a pilot in the Imperial fleet that can outrun me.”
(to Ezra, Star Wars Rebels – Ep. 1×07)

4. “When things are at their worst, I feel like I’m at my best.”
“If we want freedom, we must make difficult choices. I chose to leave my family, I chose to learn to fly, and then I chose to use that ability to help others in need. But it’s all rooted in something I can’t explain… A need to be up there. Because even when there are explosions all around me, and things are at their worst, I feel like I’m at my best.”
(Star Wars Rebels – Ep. 2×07)
5. “Our will to be free is what’s going to beat you.”
“It doesn’t matter where we come from, Admiral. Our will to be free is what’s going to beat you.”
(to Thrawn, Star Wars Rebels – Ep. 3×05)
6. “Whatever it takes, this Rebellion is worth it.”
“Whatever it takes, this Rebellion is worth it.”
(to Mon Mothma, Star Wars Rebels – Ep. 3×18)
7. “We are strong, united by our courage.”
“Whether we fail or succeed, at least our actions will show the Empire and the galaxy that we will not stand down, that we will not be broken by fear, that we are strong, united by our courage. Now is our time to strike.”
(Star Wars Rebels – Ep. 4×08)
8. “Kanan… I know what to say now. I love you.”
“Kanan… I know what to say now. I love you.”
(to Kanan, Star Wars Rebels – Ep. 4×10)
9. “I’m trying to convince you to help me prevent another war.”
“I’ve spent most of my life fighting a war and that’s why I’m trying to convince you to help me prevent another one.”
(to Senators, Ahsoka – Ep. 1×03)
10. “Once a rebel, always a rebel.”
“Once a rebel, always a rebel.”
(Ahsoka – Ep. 1×04)

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