Anakin Skywalker (to Padmé): I don’t like sand. It’s coarse and rough and irritating… and it gets everywhere. Not like here. Here everything is soft and smooth.
From the movie Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones (2002)

“I don’t like sand.” – Quote Meaning
Anakin is from Tatooine, a sand planet, where he lived as a slave. It reminds him of his past about which he doesn’t like to talk about. He also manages to spin this information about his hate towards sand and initiate his cringy flirting with Padmé.
Star Wars Meme: “I don’t like sand.”
This quote sparked a lot of memes and it is one of the most known line from Star Wars. It is either used to mock Anakin, Hayden Christensen for his acting or being used as a funny pick-up line.
The meme is part of the prequel memes – memes from all prequel movies. These memes cover almost every line from Episode I to III.
29.6.2022 at 3:15
Are you an angel? I don’t like sand. – Can someone explain to me, how did he get Padmé to fall in love with him?
7.4.2024 at 3:17
The abs. The face. Potentionally other big body parts… Who needs a brain. 😂
30.6.2022 at 3:34
Anakin, the flirt master: “I love you because you’re not like sand.” 😅
10.4.2024 at 23:58
You do know he was comparing life on Tatooine to Naboo, right?
6.7.2022 at 15:33
Does everyone hate poor Anakin? Obi-Wan hides Luke on Tatooine. Rey buries his lightsaber in the sand. And in every series we go to Tatooine – he can’t even watch the shows!
9.4.2024 at 17:10
How did this even get on the list of best quotes…
29.6.2024 at 8:15
its roujgh its irruating and it getr everywhere ..
24.7.2024 at 17:46
i like ground up rocks
24.7.2024 at 19:36
british people. they’re course and rough and irritating. and they get everywhere