TV shows Quotes

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Dean Winchester: All right, maybe it is fairy tales. Totally messed-up fairy tales. Tell you one thing, there's no way I'm kissing a damn frog.

Sam Winchester: Hey, check that out. (points at a pumpkin)

Dean Winchester: Yeah? It's close to Halloween.

Sam Winchester: You remember Cinderella? With the pumpkin that turns into a coach and the mice that become horses?

Dean Winchester: Dude, could you be more gay? Don't answer that.

(Bela shoots Sam...)

Bela Talbot (to Dean): Back off, Tiger. Back off. You make one more move, and I'll pull the trigger. You've got the luck, Dean. You I can't hit. But your brother... Him I can't miss.

Dean Winchester: The hell is wrong with you?! You don't just go around shooting people like that!

Bela Talbot: Relax. It's a shoulder hit. I can aim. Besides, who here hasn't shot a few people?

Sam Winchester: How could you make that deal, Dean?

Dean Winchester: 'Cause I couldn't live with you dead. Couldn't do it.

Sam Winchester: So, what, now I live and you die?

Dean Winchester: That's the general idea, yeah.

Sam Winchester: Yeah, well, you're a hypocrite, Dean. How did you feel when dad sold his soul for you? 'Cause I was there. I remember. You were twisted and broken. And now you go and do the same thing... to me. What you did was selfish.

Dean Winchester: Yeah, you're right. It was selfish. But I'm okay with that.

Sam Winchester: I'm not.

Dean Winchester: Tough. After everything I've done for this family, I think I'm entitled. Truth is, I'm tired, Sam. I don't know, it's like there's a light at the end of the tunnel.

Sam Winchester: It's hellfire, Dean.

Dean Winchester: Whatever. You're alive, I feel good... for the first time in a long time. I got a year to live, Sam. I'd like to make the most of it. So what do you say we kill some evil sons of b*tches and we raise a little hell, huh?

Sam Winchester: You're unbelievable.

Dean Winchester: Very true.

(Herb and Dot appear in a field full of dead commissioners...)

Herb: Yowza.

Dot: I should've brought my parka.

Herb: Yeah. Oh, wow. (Herb is stepping over the dead) Excuse me, pardon me.

Dot: Ooh...

Herb: Watch your step.

Vanya Hargreeves: I don't deserve to live. I killed Pogo. I almost killed Allison. I destroyed the world. I'm a monster.

Ben Hargreeves: Dad treated you like a bomb before you ever were one. He was... so scared of your power, he never let you use it. Drugged you up, kept you numb for years. That's messed up, Vanya. No wonder you couldn't control it. Dad couldn't handle your anger. That doesn't mean you can't. And maybe you have a right to be pissed off and sad and messed up, but... it's a sh*tty world full of sh*tty people sometimes. You aren't a monster. You're my sister. And right now, our siblings are risking everything out there trying to save you. You aren't alone at the table anymore, Vanya. You can do this.

Klaus Hargreeves: No, wait, wait, wait, wait.

Diego Hargreeves: What?

Klaus Hargreeves: If you don't make it back, there's one thing that I need to tell you.

Diego Hargreeves: Klaus, I don't have time for this.

Klaus Hargreeves: Please.

Diego Hargreeves: What?

Klaus Hargreeves: You look like Antonio Banderas with the long hair. I just thought you should know.

Diego Hargreeves: Thanks, man.

Number Five: You're not supposed to exist in close proximity to yourself in the same timeline. The side effects can be disastrous.

Luther Hargreeves: Side effects? What sort of side effects?

Number Five: Well, according to Commission Handbook Chapter 27, subsection 3b, the seven stages in paradox psychosis are... stage one: denial, two: itching, three: extreme thirst and urination, four: excessive gas, five: acute paranoia, six: uncontrolled perspiration, and seven: homicidal rage.

Luther Hargreeves: We don't belong here. We have to go back.

Allison Hargreeves: I don't know if I can.

Luther Hargreeves: Allison... we're different than everyone else. We're special. And good or bad, that means we don't get to live normal lives. Here or anywhere.

Allison Hargreeves: It's not fair.

Luther Hargreeves: I know. But we have to risk everything to save everything. I mean, that's our best trait as a family, right?

Allison Hargreeves: What? Recklessness?

Luther Hargreeves: Hope.

Klaus Hargreeves (to Ben): No cutting of the hair. I love my look right now. Second, no touchy-touchy down there. Well... maybe I won't mind, you know, but just don't look, because I'm shy.

Klaus Hargreeves: Oh, God, I hate this. Not being able to do anything.

Ben Hargreeves: Klaus, the way you feel right now is the way I feel every day. All I do is watch you make the same mistakes over and over and over and over and over again. Welcome to powerlessness.

Klaus Hargreeves: Oh, my God. That must suck. I'm sorry.

Ben Hargreeves: You wanna make it up to me?

Klaus Hargreeves: No!

Ben Hargreeves: Come on, please!

Klaus Hargreeves: You cannot possess me.

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