Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017) Quotes

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(May sees Peter in the suit)

May Parker: What the fu...?!

Pepper Potts: I have a room full of people in there waiting for some big announcement. What am I gonna tell them?

Tony Stark: Think of something. How about, um...? Hap, you still got that ring?

Happy Hogan: Do I...? I...?

Tony Stark: The engagement ring.

Happy Hogan: Are you kidding? I've been carrying this since 2008.

Tony Stark: I was wrong about you. I think, with a little more mentoring... you could be a real asset to the team. Yeah. Anyway... there's about 50 reporters behind that door. Real ones, not bloggers. When you're ready... why don't you try that on? (new suit) And I'll introduce the world to the newest official member of the Avengers: Spider-Man. After the press conference, Happy will show you to your room... your new quarters.

Peter Parker: Thank you, Mr. Stark. But I'm good.

Tony Stark: You're good? Good...? How are you good?

Peter Parker: Well, I mean, I'd rather just stay on the ground for a little while. Friendly neighborhood Spider-Man. Somebody's got to look out for the little guy, right?

Adrian Toomes: Peter... you're young. You don't understand how the world works.

Peter Parker: But I understand that selling weapons to criminals is wrong.

Adrian Toomes: How do you think your buddy Stark paid for that tower? Or any of his little toys? Those people, Pete, those people up there... the rich and the powerful, they do whatever they want. Guys like us... like you and me... they don't care about us. We build their roads, and we fight all their wars... and everything, but they don't care about us. We have to pick up after them. We have to eat their table scraps. That's how it is.

Peter Parker: Thanks, Karen. It's really nice to have somebody to talk to. Hey, how long we been here anyways?

Karen: Thirty-seven minutes.

Peter Parker: What?! Thirty-seven minutes? That's insane. I cannot take this anymore. I got to... I gotta get out of here.

Peter Parker: Mr. Stark, you didn't have to come out here. I had that. I was fine.

Tony Stark: Oh, I'm not here. Thank God this place has Wi-Fi... or you would be toast right now.

Spider-Man: Homecoming Quotes

Spider-Man: Homecoming Quotes


Title: Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017)
Format: Movie
Genres: Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi
Produced by: Marvel Studios
Release Date: 7 July 2017

Synopsis / Summary

Thrilled by his experience with the Avengers, Peter returns home, where he lives with his Aunt May, under the watchful eye of his new mentor Tony Stark, Peter tries to fall back into his normal daily routine – distracted by thoughts of proving himself to be more than just your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man – but when the Vulture emerges as a new villain, everything that Peter holds most important will be threatened. (IMDb)

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Characters / Cast

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A-Z List of Characters

Character Played by
Happy Hogan Jon Favreau
Pepper Potts Gwyneth Paltrow
Peter Parker Tom Holland
Tony Stark Robert Downey Jr.

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