Queen Charlotte Quotes

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Lady Danbury: There is some anxiety amongst the mamas that you have not yet selected a diamond.

Queen Charlotte: A diamond is precious precisely because it is rare. I throw one diamond ball, and anxious mamas expect a diamond every year. I threw a zebra ball once. Do they expect a new zebra each year?

Brimsley: Shall I fetch you a refreshment, Your Majesty?

Queen Charlotte: Perhaps a casket. The lack of interest here today shall usher me to an early grave at any moment.

King George: There is no better. There is no cure. This is who I am. I will be here sometimes. And sometimes I will be... You can leave me. I would understand, and I would let you go.

Queen Charlotte: George. I will not leave you.

King George: You should.

Queen Charlotte: I will not.

King George: You have half a husband, Charlotte. Half a life. I cannot give you the future that you deserve. Not a full me. Not a full marriage. Only half. Half a man. Half a king. Half a life.

Queen Charlotte: If what we have is half, then we shall make it the very best half. I love you. It is enough. I am your queen. And as long as I am so, I shall never leave your side. You are king. You will be king. Your children will rule. Together, we are whole.

Prince George: You do not know us. Any of us. You do not learn about us. You do not care for what we care for. Our happiness is not your goal.

Queen Charlotte: Nonsense. I want what is best for you. As your mother...

Prince George: You have never been a mother.

Queen Charlotte: I have done all I could for you. If you understood the sacrifices, how hard I have worked to make sure you each... I have been an excellent mother.

Prince George: No. You have been our queen, but you have never really been our mother.

King George: This... madness has been my secret my entire life. This darkness is... is my burden. You bring the light.

Queen Charlotte: George. It is you and me. We can do this. Together.

King George: I am a madman. I am a danger. In my mind, there are different worlds creeping in. The heavens and Earth collide. I do not know where I am.

Queen Charlotte: Do you love me?

King George: You do not wish a life with me for yourself. No one wishes that.

Queen Charlotte: George! I will stand with you between the heavens and the Earth. I will tell you where you are. Do you love me?

King George: I love you! From the mo... From the moment I saw you trying to go over the wall... I have loved you desperately. I cannot breathe when you are not near. I love you, Charlotte. My heart calls your name.

Doctor Monro: Your Majesty must understand. However distressing, my methods are proven. I desire the king's sanity as fervently as Your Majesty.

Queen Charlotte: I care not for his sanity. I care for his happiness. I care for his soul. Let him be mad if mad is what he needs.

Queen Charlotte: This is not the life I wished for.

Lady Danbury: We are women. And the men who hold our fates hardly conceive we have desires, dreams of our own. If we are ever to live the lives we want, we have to make them conceive it. Our bravery. Our force of will will be their proof.

Adolphus: Inside you ripens the fruit of England, and until that fruit is ripe, your body is but a... a tree, a tree in the orchard of the Crown, and at such time as it...

Queen Charlotte: I am a tree?

Adolphus: I... I mean to say only that the child inside you is not yours.

Queen Charlotte: My body is growing it.

Adolphus: What matter?

Queen Charlotte: What matter? Well, you try growing it.

Adolphus: Your body is not your own. To leave the kingdom now would be treason. King-napping.

Adolphus: You are emotional.

Queen Charlotte: Please say that one more time. I shall have you beheaded.

Queen Charlotte: We need to discuss the flowers for the wedding.

Prince William: That will not be necessary, Mother, as there'll not be a wedding.

Prince Edward: You forgot something the other day.

Prince William: Our eldest brother, George, the Prince of Wales.

Prince Edward: Prince Regent of England. The man in charge since father's incapacity.

Prince William: The man, according to the Royal Marriages Act of Parliament, with the sole authority to approve any marriage within the royal house. Including ours.

Prince Edward: Only he hasn't approved them. And he will not. He is quite offended, see, that you did not consult him first.

Queen Charlotte: You are right.

Prince William: We are?

Queen Charlotte: I forgot myself. I overstepped. As Prince Regent, the matter rests entirely in the Prince of Wales's hands. He is acting sovereign and ultimate authority.

Prince Edward: Quite right.

Queen Charlotte: Now, Georgie, be a good boy and approve your brothers' marriages.

Prince George: I approve.

Queen Charlotte: Brimsley, do not attempt to flatter me by talking about my children. It makes me dislike you more. Answer the question. Why have my girls never married?

Brimsley: Y... Your daughters... They are good girls. They love you. And the king... It... It happened so early. You were so young. If he had died, maybe you would have been hurt, grieved, but eventually, you would have healed and moved on. Instead...

Queen Charlotte: What? Spit it out, Brimsley. Do not become sentimental now.

Brimsley: You are still his queen. Forever frozen. Forever waiting. Your daughters could not leave you here trapped in time.

Queen Charlotte (almost crying): Go and stand over there and stop talking. Look that way. Not at me.

Queen Charlotte: You live for the happiness and the misery of a great nation.

King George: Charlotte.

Queen Charlotte: No. I am saying I understand. You live for the happiness and the misery of a great nation. That must be exhausting and lonely. You must feel caged. No wonder you spend so much time in the garden.

King George: In the garden, I am a regular man.

Queen Charlotte: Farmer George.

King George: Do not feel sorry for me. I do not know anything else. I've always been this. An exhibit instead of a person.

Queen Charlotte: You are a person to me. You can be a person with me. No more even days and odd days.

King George: We shall just have days.

King George: What is it?

Queen Charlotte: It is an even day, obviously.

King George: Well, we do not need to adhere to every even day.

Queen Charlotte: We do not.

King George: We did agree to even days.

Queen Charlotte: We did.

King George: The sooner you are with child, the sooner we can cease this... performance.

Queen Charlotte: Our duty will be done, and I will no longer have to view your face. Are you coming?

King George: Yes, because I would very much like to have the opportunity to no longer hear your voice.

Queen Charlotte is a character from Queen Charlotte

Queen Charlotte A Bridgerton Story Quotes

Queen Charlotte: A Bridgerton Story Quotes

You can also find Charlotte in the series Bridgerton.


Queen Charlotte is the queen of England, wife to King George III, and mother to 15 children.


Queen Charlotte is played by Golda Rosheuvel & India Amarteifio.

Top 10 Unforgettable Quotes by Queen Charlotte from Bridgerton

  1. “I am forced into a ludicrous gown so stylish that if I move too much, I might be sliced and stabbed to death by my undergarments. Oh, how joyful it is to be a lady.” (to Adolphus, Queen Charlotte Ep. 1×01)
  2. “It is treasonous to interrupt my beauty sleep. You’re lucky my face is a rare jewel. If I could still have people beheaded, you would be in the queue.” (to doctor, Queen Charlotte Ep. 1×01)
  3. “I do not care what he looks like. What I do not like is not knowing.” (to George, Queen Charlotte Ep. 1×01)
  4. “Sorrows, sorrows. Prayers.” (to Prince George, Queen Charlotte Ep. 1×01)
  5. “I care not for his sanity. I care for his happiness. I care for his soul. Let him be mad if mad is what he needs.” (to Monro about George, Queen Charlotte Ep. 1×05)
  6. “George! I will stand with you between the heavens and the Earth. I will tell you where you are.” (to George, Queen Charlotte Ep. 1×06)
  7. “George. It is you and me. We can do this. Together.” (to George, Queen Charlotte Ep. 1×06)
  8. “If what we have is half, then we shall make it the very best half. I love you. It is enough. I am your queen. And as long as I am so, I shall never leave your side. You are king. You will be king. Your children will rule. Together, we are whole.” (to George, Queen Charlotte Ep. 1×06)
  9. “I wish to be entertained, enthralled.” (to Brimsley, Bridgerton Ep. 1×02)
  10. “The same cannot be said of true love, of course. It changes. It forgets. It forces you to remember who you once were. And it forces you to choose how you will live with it, again and again.” (to Edwina, Bridgerton Ep. 2×06)


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