Wednesday Addams Quotes

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Wednesday Addams: Says the boy whose life was served on a silver platter.

Xavier Thorpe: Hey, girls in glass houses...

Wednesday Addams: Should throw bigger stones. At least I'm not an elitist snob.

Bianca Barclay: What are you? Alto, soprano or just loco?

(Wednesday opens her mouth, the glass breaks...)

Bianca Barclay: Huh? What was that?

Wednesday Addams: A note only dogs can hear.

Larissa Weems: No doubt you'll find something that tickles your fancy.

Wednesday Addams: The last person who tickled me lost a finger.

Larissa Weems: We want our students to be well-rounded.

Wednesday Addams: I'd prefer to remain sharp-edged.

Enid Sinclair: Ms. Thornhill's just ordered pizza. Want to take a stab at being social?

Wednesday Addams: I do like stabbing. The social part, not so much.

Wednesday Addams: I witnessed his murder, Enid.

Enid Sinclair: It's just, we all saw him this morning. Very much, like, not dead.

Wednesday Addams: I know. Which leads me to believe I've been losing my mind. It's not nearly as fun as I had anticipated.

Enid Sinclair: This kitty is taking no prisoners. If Bianca Barclay wins again this year, I will literally scratch my own eyes out!

Wednesday Addams: I would pay money to see that.

Valerie Kinbott: Have you considered your antisocial tendencies might be motivated by fear of rejection?

Wednesday Addams: If you were to reject me, I would not be upset.

Valerie Kinbott: You can't get rid of me that easily.

Valerie Kinbott: Wednesday, Part of the reason your parents sent you to Nevermore is so you could find your people. Become part of a larger community.

Wednesday Addams: I like being an island. A well-fortified one surrounded by sharks.

Valerie Kinbott: Tell me how you're adjusting to school.

Wednesday Addams: Sartre said, "Hell is other people." He was my first crush.

Valerie Kinbott: I'm here to help you process your emotions.

Wednesday Addams: Emotions are a gateway trait. They lead to feelings, which trigger tears. I don't do tears.

Valerie Kinbott: Help me understand why you claim you witnessed a murder. Was it to gain attention?

Wednesday Addams: Why should I bother telling you anything? You've already decided I'm lying.

Wednesday Addams: Edgar Allan Poe said, "Believe nothing you hear and half of what you see." Clearly Nevermore's most famous alumni picked that up here. No wonder he became a drug-addled madman.

Donovan Galpin: Is that your professional opinion as the daughter of a murderer?

Wednesday Addams: My father's twice the man you are, and the only thing he murders is the occasional opera in the shower.

Wednesday Addams: This story is about to take a dark turn. Usually, I love dark turns. Like when the carousel brakes mysteriously failed at my eighth birthday party.

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