Sheldon Cooper Quotes

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Sheldon Cooper: Amy, I never thought I'd want to marry anyone. So the fact that I found you is astonishing. It's-it's like finding dark matter, except they're looking for dark matter. I wasn't even looking for you. S-So you're even better than dark matter. Plus, plus, you interact with light, so I can see you. And, also, you don't account for the missing mass in the universe. But when you make a discovery like this, you don't just take it down to City Hall... you tell the whole world. And so I'll say it in Latin or Klingon or-or smoke signals, if-if that's not cultural appropriation.

Amy Farrah Fowler: It is.

Sheldon Cooper: Okay, so not smoke signals. But I want to do this right.

Sheldon Cooper: I'm getting married. The new Star Wars movie's coming out. We are really finishing this year strong.

Amy Farrah Fowler: Okay, but of the two of tho...? You know, I'm not even gonna ask. I'm not gonna ask.

Sheldon Cooper: What do you think will make the wedding worse for Amy: a cake made with salt instead of sugar... or a cake iced with congealed gravy?

Leonard Hofstadter: That is a trick question. The answer is: you as the groom.

Amy Farrah Fowler: I can't believe that people say that planning a wedding is one of the most stressful things in life.

Sheldon Cooper: I know. Not a day goes by that I don't marvel how much better we are than other people.

Howard Wolowitz: You and Amy having fun planning your wedding?

Sheldon Cooper: We're employing a mathematical approach called decision theory, so, heck, yeah.

Leonard Hofstadter: Heck, yeah? Looks like someone need to put a dollar in the almost-swear jar.

Sheldon Cooper: The Comic-Con breakup's easy to remember because Leonard was the saddest Pikachu.

Amy Farrah Fowler: Right, and he wiped his nose on your cape, and then you were the saddest Darth Vader.

Sheldon Cooper: I have grudges that go back to preschool. Someday, I'm gonna find a grown-up Elaine Dwyer and eat her favorite crayon while she watches.

Amy Farrah Fowler: Is that why there's an Elaine Dwyer on our guest list?

Sheldon Cooper: Yes. That night, I'm going to have the first dance and the last laugh.

Amy Farrah Fowler: I thought I'd surprise you with dinner.

Sheldon Cooper: For future reference, the best surprises are the ones I know about three days in advance.

Sheldon Cooper (about Wil): He's now on my enemies list forever. He's totally cut off.

Arthur Jeffries: Interesting. Can-can anyone sign-sign up for that list?

Rajesh Koothrappali: You know who'd make a great Professor Proton? Meryl Streep.

Howard Wolowitz: She's not a scientist.

Rajesh Koothrappali: Uh, then explain to me why she has chemistry with literally everyone.

Amy Farrah Fowler: It would be nice if they cast a woman.

Sheldon Cooper: Oh, you've already got Doctor Who and the Ghostbusters. Leave us something.

Howard Wolowitz: Now I'm having a son? I'll have to teach him how to play sports, and-and watch sports and-and-and-and-and-and...

Rajesh Koothrappali: He just ran out of man things. He's in trouble.

Leonard Hofstadter: It's okay. We're all here to help.

Sheldon Cooper: Yes. And this baby will have plenty of manly role models. Now, I'm certain that whatever Bernadette can't teach him, Penny can.

Leonard Hofstadter: Uh, she can pee into a bottle.

Penny Hofstadter: Mm-hmm. Anything with a neck wider than a nickel.

Sheldon Cooper: Dad. Are you sad that you got fired?

George Cooper Sr.: Mostly angry. But yeah. Maybe a little sad.

Sheldon Cooper: You told on them?

George Cooper Sr.: Yeah. You know what happened?

Sheldon Cooper: Justice descended upon the rule breakers?

George Cooper Sr.: I got fired, Sheldon. And I got a bad reputation.

Sheldon Cooper: Oh. That's why you drink so much beer.

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