Young Royals Quotes

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(Nils is trying to get a date for Wille...)

Nils: Come on, we'll be discreet. You didn't even know that I was gay.

Wille: Well... Do Vincent and August know?

Nils: I don't know. Or I think they know, but it's nothing we talk about really. I mean, just don't make a big deal of it. And, look, like, name one CEO that's openly homosexual. No one. And I'm not gonna be the first one, you know?

Wille: Can't you just hold me?

Felice: Of course. (hugs him)

Wille: How long do I have to feel like this?

Felice: I mean, it will get better, even if it doesn't feel that way right now.

August: It just feels like everybody's gonna, like, hate me. and I'm, like, gonna lose... everything. I just feel like the... worst person in the world.

Sara: Yeah. But sometimes, it just feels like everyone hates you. It was like that for me. And if I could handle it, then... you can handle it too. (Sara and August start kissing) I don't think you're the worst person in the world.

School psychologist: How does that make you feel? To live with that pressure, I mean.

Wille: Huh? I don't know. I feel lonely. I mean, I was lonely before as well... with Erik, but... I was, like, okay with it... because I knew that he was there. But last semester, I... I met a friend... who stirred up new feelings in me. In some way, I wish that it had never happened. It was kind of better not knowing how it can feel.

School psychologist: When you're struggling, it can be helpful to see someone like me, so that, uh... so that you don't feel you have to risk hurting somebody.

Wille: I didn't know that. It's just that he was always saying that we should keep what's private private. That's how we were raised. Otherwise... Otherwise, people take advantage.

(Wille makes Simon take a shortcut during a run, Simon wanted to stop and give up...)

Simon: It doesn't exactly feel great to know that we cheated.

Wille: Hey, come on, it's no big deal.

Simon: It is for me. It doesn't matter if you guys cheat. You'll always get away with it. I always have to prove myself, otherwise, he'll just blame me.

(Simon is writing his version of the Hillerska song...)

Simon (singing):

♪ Days behind us, years gone by

They say all wounds

Will heal with time

You know it hurt, I gave up on myself

So... f**king lost

Before I found my way ♪

Wille: Mom said that when I turn 18, we're gonna discuss it, what I want and so on. We'd just have to keep it a secret for two years. Until then, I could, you know... Then we could be together, a-and we could like...

Simon: Come on, Wille. What do you mean you'll talk when you're 18?

Wille: Yeah. Or, I mean, we'll...

Simon: Do you really think that I'm gonna sit around waiting for you for two years? You couldn't even be honest about denying it was you in the video. How am I supposed to trust you? I think it's really great... that you feel like they're supportive and stuff, but like... I cannot be your... secret again.

(Jan-Olof comes to take Wille away from the school, he refuses to leave and they try to take him away by force. Olaf calls his mother and gives the phone to Wille...)

Wille: You embarrassed me in front of the whole school.

Queen Kristina: No, come on, Wilhelm. You have to realize there will be reactions when you threaten us.

Wille: Threaten? I told you how I felt.

(Wille walks into the classroom, only available seat is next to Simon...)

Wille: Okay to sit here? All the seats are taken.

Simon: Mm-hmm.

Wille: I thought maybe you wanted that space you enjoy so much.

Simon: I'm just trying to be honest about my feelings. Maybe you should try it sometime.

(Wille is speaking on the phone with his mother and asks to be put on speaker, so everyone in the room can hear...)

Wille: I won't be giving a f**king speech at the godd*mn jubilee, okay? Nobody told me anything about this! I'm sick and tired of you making decisions behind my back all the time! And I'm sure as hell not gonna be Crown Prince anymore either! I'm not gonna be king! I'm serious. You hear me? If you don't listen, then I'll... then I'll take this to the press.

August: I don't think you understand how much I regret doing what I did. But there's something wrong with my f**king head, don't you get that? I've tried to apologize to him. I really have. I-I've been begging on my knees, and he just tries to humiliate me every f**king chance he gets. And I just keep waiting and waiting and waiting for that f**king kick in the head that will come when I least expect it! 'Cause I know it's coming. You know, the Royal Court won't take this lightly. They're probably... They're probably sitting around, probably planning how they... How they're gonna punish me, and I...

Nils: Yeah, I matched with him on Grindr. Yeah, I think it was last spring, but he doesn't seem that interested in boarding school boys.

Wille: But, uh... Grindr? I mean, aren't you... I mean, you and Madison had...

Nils: Ah, but, Wille, sh*t... I didn't think you were that old-fashioned. Well, I mean, I guess that's kinda your thing.

Wille: This doesn't have to change anything between us. We're still us. It's just that we can't be seen together.

Simon: If I'm someone you have to hide...

Wille: But... Don't you realize all hell would break lose if I come out? How can you ask me to do that?

Simon: I'm not asking you to do that. You just expect everything to be on your terms. You... You need to figure out what you want. And you can take all the time you need. And I respect that. But you have to do it by yourself. I don't want to be anyone's secret.

Queen Kristina (to Wille): When you're young, love feels like the most important thing in the world.

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