Supernatural Quotes

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Sam Winchester: That's... that's probably cold by now, Mom.

Mary Winchester: It's bacon. (eats it)

Dean Winchester: Wow. We are so related.

Mary Winchester: Well, we should call the Internet and find out as much as we can about these people. Did I say that right? (about the British Men of Letters)

Dean Winchester: So close.

Sam Winchester: Yeah, it was close.

(Mick arrives with Cas to the cellar where Toni was holding Sam hostage and Dean came to rescue him...)

Mick: I powered down all the wardings in this shack so your attack dog could come in. I reckon you could finish me off without breaking a sweat. Am I right?

Castiel: I don't sweat under any circumstances.

(Dean knocks out Toni...)

Dean Winchester: She was using a Chinese mind-control technique. Hard to do when you're unconscious. Turns out this ape did read a book or two.

Crowley (to Lucifer): Lucifer. Wearing Vince Vincente, second-tier star. I would've thought Bieber was more your style.

Crowley: What's the bloody hold-up? He's the one and only Satan in the phonebook.

Rowena: It's witchcraft, not Google Maps.

Dean Winchester: When Dad disappeared, Sam and I looked around, and something became very clear. That the only thing we had in this world... the only thing, aside from this car... was each other.

Rowena (to Crowley): You're like a boil that keeps coming back no matter how many times I have it lanced.

(Rowena is on a date with Ben...)

Rowena: Sent me to the grandest boarding schools, but I was a wee imp and ran away for a life in the arts. Mother didn't speak to me until I became a star.

Ben: A star? Of?

Rowena: Uh, do you follow the Royal Ballet?

Ben: Not a bit.

Rowena: The Royal Ballet.

Dean Winchester (about Toni): The plane that Evil Elsa flew in on has diplomatic registry.

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