TV shows Quotes

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Zach Dempsey: Last time I was up here, I said I was my brother's keeper. That we all are. Even though I didn't live up to that. Justin hated running. Coach Kerba would make him do a mile, and he would b*tch and complain... the whole time. Coach Kerba would tell him that pain is the feeling of weakness leaving the body. But we're all weak, I think. But we're trying to be stronger. And the pain that we are feeling today... is to remind us every day... to do better. To be better.

Jessica Davis: I don't know if I can do any of this anymore. We're all supposed to just... keep waking up and putting on our clothes and carrying on conversations and listening to people while they talk about how God works in mysterious ways, and I just don't f**king know if I can do it anymore!

Ani Achola: OK, I think this is the hardest thing... that anyone could ever go through. But I also think you are a lot stronger than you realize.

Jessica Davis (about Justin): He made me strong.

Ani Achola: No! You are. All on your own. Maybe you made each other stronger, but it's in you. I've seen it.

Clay Jensen (narration): My mom asked me if I wanted to say something at Justin's funeral. I wanted to, for him, but I couldn't. What could I say? Running theme, huh?

Tony Padilla: I wish there was something I could say or do.

Clay Jensen: Yeah. What is there? Thank you for wanting to, though. You always make things better.

Tony Padilla: I just show up, man. That's all I do.

Clay Jensen: Always. More than I have for you.

Tony Padilla: No. No, we show up for each other.

Clay Jensen: No one gets through this life alone, man.

Clay Jensen: I'm... I'm so sorry, Justin. I don't know how to do this.

Justin Foley: Hey. You're doing... You're doing it great.

Clay Jensen: Thank you for saving my life. Like, more times than you know. I love you.

Justin Foley: I love... I love... love you... you too, man.

Justin Foley: You're... so strong.

Jessica Davis: You're the best thing that ever happened to me.

Justin Foley: You're... out of your mind. I ruined your f**king life.

Jessica Davis: No. No. You taught me what love is.

Justin Foley: Yeah?

Jessica Davis: Yes.

Justin Foley: OK. You always have that.

Tony's father: You're a good friend. That's always important, m'hijo.

Tony Padilla: I guess... I guess so, yeah.

Tony's father: But you have to think about yourself sometimes. Caleb told me about the college offer.

Tony Padilla: He did?

Tony's father: Damn proud of you. It's time, m'hijo. It's time you sell the shop and get on with your life.

Tony Padilla: We can't afford that, papá.

Tony's father: We have work here. We're gonna be fine.

Tony Padilla: The shop is your dream.

Tony's father: Listen to me. That shop... was never my dream. You... You are my dream. Why do we do everything? So that you can have a better life than we did. This is your better life, m'hijo. Don't f*ck up my dream.

Alex Standall: Do you remember on the rooftop? The night I kissed you?

Charlie St. George: You kissed him?

Alex Standall: It was a sh*t show. I'll explain later. But you remember that night?

Zach Dempsey: Yeah.

Alex Standall: OK. That kiss was embarrassing. It was a disaster. But right before that, when I almost fell, you pulled me back from the ledge. And I'll never forget the feeling of your hands grabbing me and keeping me safe. I needed it. I didn't know it. And now you need it.

Zach Dempsey: The kiss wasn't a disaster, it was a nice kiss, per se.

Charlie St. George: Wait, it was?

Zach Dempsey: Yeah. Yeah.

Clay Jensen (narration): As the night got later, we just kept dancing and dancing like there was nothing else. Like it was the end of the world. Like it was the end of the world.

(Justin collapses...)

Clay Jensen (narration): And it was.

Jessica Davis: The prom king and queen are, or... king and king, or I guess queen and queen. You know, it's whatever they prefer. Your prom royalty, Alex Standall and Charlie St. George! Where are they?

Charlie St. George: Here! We're right here.

Jessica Davis: What?

Alex Standall: What is this? Why did this happen? Was this you?

Jessica Davis: Secure vote. I told you, it's whoever the football team wants every year. So, who wants the crown, and who wants the tiara?

Charlie St. George: I think I'd like the small one.

Crowd: Aw! Yeah!

Jessica Davis: You deserve to be happy.

Crowd: Kiss! Kiss! Kiss! Kiss! Kiss! Kiss! Ah!

DJ: All right, King Charlie, King Alex, it's time for your first dance as Liberty High School royalty.

Alex Standall: Are we ever gonna feel OK? Like, normally OK, ever?

Jessica Davis: I haven't felt normally OK in a long, long time, but I'm going to find ways to be happy.

Alex Standall: I don't see that happening for me. He should be here. He should be alive.

Jessica Davis: He'd be drunk. He'd be choosing his next victim and making you feel poor and lame and not a man.

Alex Standall: I'm not a man.

Jessica Davis: That's bullsh*t.

Alex Standall: He didn't deserve to die.

Zach Dempsey: No. No, he didn't. But neither do we. And this, this isn't f**king living. He ruined our f**king lives, all three of us. So, no, he didn't deserve to die, but we deserve to live. So... if you'll excuse me... I'm gonna go dance with a wh*re.

(Clay jumps on a car with a megaphone and speaks up...)

Clay Jensen: Hey! Hey, hold on! Don't run away from this. Listen! Listen to me! Look, they're gonna try to make us think that we're the problem, but we are not the problem! We go to the school that they built for us. We live in the society that they made for us, and sh*t is broken! Sh*t is wrong! And they can't fix it. They won't! So it's our turn now. We're gonna make it right if we have to burn it down and start over. So I say f*ck it all!

Student: F*ck, yeah!

Clay Jensen: We're fighting. Who's with me?

Students: Yeah!

Clay Jensen: F*ck it all! F*ck it all! Let's go!

Students: Yeah!

College interviewer: What's most important to you, Clay?

Clay Jensen: My friends. I've, uh... I've made a lot of mistakes, some bad choices, and I don't always... I don't always think things through. But I know that if a friend needs me, or is in danger, or anything, if there is anything I can do to help them, I will. Uh... I'm really... really trying to do the right thing. I am. Even when it's not clear what that is. 'Cause I don't want to live my life based on someone else's idea of... what's right, or what's moral, or what's good. I want to figure it out for myself. Even if I make mistakes along the way. And the one thing I know... is it is never wrong to care about your friends. It's never wrong to be a human being and love someone as well as you can.

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