Lucifer Quotes

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Lucifer Morningstar: Speak for yourself, young man. Tell me, what is it you truly desire?

Suspect: I... I... I wanna be in the CIA.

Lucifer Morningstar: Oh, did not see that coming.

Suspect: The Culinary Institute of America. I wanna be a pastry chef.

Suspect's mother: The CI what now?

Lucifer Morningstar: Madam, please! Ground your helicopter. It's time you let this poor boy make his own decisions.

Lucifer Morningstar: Dad... do you love us?

God: If I have to tell you... then I really have failed.

Lucifer Morningstar: A no, then.

Amenadiel: That's not what he said.

Lucifer Morningstar: He didn't say yes, did he? When I don't wanna lie, I don't answer the question. Picked that up from you, Dad. You know, it's... It's funny. I thought this moment would give me some catharsis. But instead, it's just made me realize one simple truth. That you will never love us... because you're incapable of love. And that's just sad. For all of us.

(Lucifer leaves, there is awkward silence...)

Linda Martin: More wine?

Lucifer Morningstar: Aren't you forgetting something? Well, shouldn't we say grace?

Linda Martin: I'll say it? Okay. I'd like to thank God for... I'm used to you being up there. Thank you, God, for this food and the company, and... oceans... and napkins and shoes and life.

Lucifer Morningstar: Yeah, that about covers it, Doctor. Thank you. Amen.

God: That was beautiful, Linda.

Linda Martin: Thank you. I just thanked God for napkins.

Amenadiel: It was better than I would have done.

Dan Espinoza: So many people wear masks, Ella. They... they hide who they really are. But not you. You put yourself out there, heart first. The downside is you get hurt more easily.

Ella Lopez: Ain't that the truth.

Dan Espinoza: But the upside is you put so much love into the world, Ella. Please don't let this change that, change you. We need more people like you out there, Ella. Not less.

Chloe Decker: Did you know that Chris had applied for a job at Hole in Juan?

Suspect: No, I didn't. But it makes sense. He'd never go back to the Kingdom. He'd rather...

Lucifer Morningstar: Burn it down. That's what I tried to do with the Silver City. Not that I'm comparing the two. Fewer windmills up there.

Ella Lopez: Oh, way ahead of you. I know exactly how to find the killer.

Chloe Decker: You do?

Ella Lopez: Hell, yeah. See, all you have to do is introduce me to all of the suspects. And whichever one I'm most attracted to, bam, that's your killer.

Chloe Decker: Ella.

Ella Lopez: Hey, I'm at peace with it. If I've got a broken picker, might as well use it for the greater good, right?

Lucifer Morningstar (to his Dad): Michael impersonated me, tried to ruin my life. Kidnapped the woman that I... He is behind every bad thing that's ever happened to me! Well, everything apart from you. And for someone who's supposed to be omniscient, it's amazing that you never actually see that! And apparently never will.

God: That's enough!

Lucifer Morningstar: Dad.

God: Children. You know I hate it when you fight.

Lucifer Morningstar: Did Klumpsky ever meet his inspiration? Did he ever get a good look at him?

Mazikeen: No.

Lucifer Morningstar: Are you sure?

Mazikeen: Five broken ribs, a torn rotator cuff, and "It's a Small World" on repeat? Yeah, I'm sure.

Lucifer Morningstar: How am I going to find the detective without the detective?

Amenadiel: Maybe stop wasting time trying to get me to slow it and just, you know, do some good old-fashioned detective work.

Lucifer Morningstar: Detective work? Me?

Amenadiel: Are you trying to tell me that after all these years of working with Chloe... that you haven't learned anything? You can find her, Detective Morningstar.

Mazikeen: Everyone's rejected me, Amenadiel. But I was the one who rejected you. So, I thought... maybe that was a mistake. Maybe... Maybe only... an angel could love a soulless demon.

Amenadiel: You didn't reject me. You... You went to find your own path. And you did. You did. And you've come such a long way, Maze. Grown so much.

Mazikeen: Apparently not enough. Ever heard of a demon getting a soul?

Amenadiel: I... I can't say that I have. But... No one ever heard of an angel and a human having a baby before. Or of the Devil falling in love. I don't know if a soul is what you need to feel whole, but... I do know this. If anyone is going to find what they're looking for, it's you, Mazikeen.

Mazikeen: I'll still kick your a$$, though.

Amenadiel: I know.

Ella Lopez: I found this on her clothes, but dead end. Glitter's just an occupational hazard for Madison.

Lucifer Morningstar: Oh, no, she was a stripper.

Ella Lopez: No, elementary school teacher.

Pete Daily (to Ella): Sorry. I didn't mean to interrupt you at work. But I scored these two VIP tickets to the Star Trek convention downtown. I-I have no idea if you're into it, but it's totally my thing, and I was wondering if you wanted to come with me.

Lucifer Morningstar: Star Trek? Please, Miss Lopez knows more about that stuff than you ever could. (Ella speaks Klingon) See? She even speaks Chewbacca.

Ella Lopez: So, did you and Lucifer finally get over your issues and under the covers for the old no-pants dance?

Chloe Decker: We sure did.

Ella Lopez: Well, I'm so sorry, Decker. You know, sometimes... Wait, I'm sorry. Rewind. Did you just say yes?

Chloe Decker: Uh-huh.

Ella Lopez: OMG! Oh! I was so ready to have my Deckerstar dreams crushed again.

Chloe Decker: Why?

Ella Lopez: 'Cause it's been one bummer after another with you two. I didn't want to get my hopes up.

Chloe Decker: Yeah, I know. I mean, it has been a long road, but, well, here we are.

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