Lucifer Quotes

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Amenadiel: All that I am saying is that this alliance with Pierce will not end well.

Lucifer Morningstar: Well, one can only hope. And all I'm saying is that if you continue to meddle, Amenadiel... then you will be in my way.

Amenadiel: Well, then, Brother.

Lucifer Morningstar: Yes.

Amenadiel: I guess I'll be in your way.

Amenadiel: Father cursed him for a reason. I know you think you're friends with Pierce. I get it, but I am warning you, Luci. He has but one selfish goal. And working with him will only incur Father's wrath.

Lucifer Morningstar (laughing): What the...? That's the bloody point.

Lucifer Morningstar: I'm sure if any other cop had been working this case, he would have ended up in prison or worse. So, well done, Detective.

Chloe Decker: Oh, my God. Did the world just turn upside down? Did you just admit to being wrong?

Amenadiel: I know that my Father is punishing you because you killed your own brother.

Marcus Pierce: Yeah, notice anyone else in here who plotted to kill his own brother?

Amenadiel: No, that was different.

Marcus Pierce: Well, it was only different 'cause you failed.

Amenadiel: We are nothing alike.

Marcus Pierce: Yeah, you're right. At least I had the balls to do it myself. You pawned the task off on someone else, you're worse. And if this is the punishment that I get for my crimes, what do you deserve?

Marcus Pierce (to Amenadiel): You put this mark on me. Now you're gonna tell me how to get rid of it.

Lucifer Morningstar: Tiffany, what is it you desire?

Tiffany: To punch every millennial in the face.

Lucifer Morningstar: Really? I mean, I don't disagree, but still.

Tiffany: They've ruined our entire industry. With their social consciousness and ethical issues. Sales are way down because of them.

Lucifer Morningstar (to Pierce): Brothers. Am I right? I mean, you get it. You killed yours. I wish I had that option.

Mazikeen: Trix, sever their Achilles first. If they can't walk...

Maze and Trixie: They can't betray you.

Lucifer Morningstar: This was much easier in The DVC.

Marcus Pierce: DVC?

Lucifer Morningstar: My research text. Also a movie. By the way, Tom Hanks is a national treasure. Also a movie. Not as helpful, though.

Marcus Pierce: Your research was watching The Da Vinci Code?

Lucifer Morningstar: And the sequels.

Lucifer Morningstar: Actually, it's not Ecstasy. It's more sort of a homebrew Adderall. It's very smooth.

Marcus Pierce (to Chloe): Did your partner just admit to snorting evidence?

Lucifer Morningstar: The only thing I admit to is being very focused on this case.

Dan Espinoza: She's some kind of a chemist. Tech unlocked Sandra's laptop, found, uh, recipes for synthetic chemical compounds all filed under the label "KPOP." It's a kind of music, right?

Lucifer Morningstar: Oh, dear. Poor Daniel, so behind the times. K-Pop is a kind of Ecstasy. It's one of the best kinds, actually.

Lucifer Morningstar: So if I cut you exactly in half, would there be two Pierces?

Marcus Pierce: No. Only one side would heal. You see, I call it the, the "master molecule" theory.

Lucifer Morningstar: Yes, yes, Wolverine rules. I get it.

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