Grey’s Anatomy Quotes

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Maggie Pierce: My mom was my barometer, you know? And right before she died... and I mean right before she died... she told me to be more slutty. And I just wish I could call her and tell her how slutty I'm being.

Richard Webber: I'd, uh... I'd... I'd rather you not talk about that particular detail, yeah.

Maggie Pierce: You know, I felt that as I said it.

Jackson Avery: I already got my own thing going on, and, frankly, it's a little more cutting-edge than what essentially amounts to an elective cosmetic procedure.

Catherine Avery: Oh, come on. Look, my birthday is coming up. You could think of this v*gina as your gift to me.

Jackson Avery: Now I'm gonna go smash my head in with a hammer and see if I can forget that you said that.

Meredith Grey (narration): We've all heard the quote: "Genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration." Easy for Thomas Edison to say. He had all the good ideas. Inspiration is not some mystical, unattainable thing. Inspiration is a seed. That seed turns into vision. That vision turns into a goal. And hopefully, that goal turns into victory. I said, hopefully.

Bailey's mother: Mandy? Are you still there? Miranda, what's wrong?

Miranda Bailey: I'm hurt, Mom. I-I got hurt. I had a heart attack. And it was scary. But I'm okay. I had surgery. And I'm going to be okay.

Bailey's mother: I know. I know you are. You are my Mandy.

Miranda Bailey: Just promise me one thing. Build me a tree house.

Ben Warren: I'm guessing those pain meds are working.

Miranda Bailey: Steal yourself one of those fancy fireman's ladders and build me a tree house I can read in. A girl needs some peace to read a good book. Highest tree you can find.

Ben Warren: Highest tree I can find.

Maggie Pierce (to Bailey): You'll be back to bossing us around in no time.

Miranda Bailey: Why is it that men only listen to women after they've done something wrong? Y'all. Don't. Listen. Princess Leia knows what I'm talking about. When they went on that planet with the... the... Ewoks! Yeah. And if Han and Luke had listened to Leia, they could've avoided a lot of misery. I'm just sayin'. (to Dr. Maxwell): Ewok.


Miranda Bailey: If something happens to me, do not let them hook me up to anything.

Ben Warren: And if something happens to me, hook me up. I want extraordinary measures. The more extraordinary, the better.

Miranda Bailey: Seriously.

Ben Warren: Seriously.

Miranda Bailey: Seriously?

Miranda Bailey (to a nurse): Okay, interrupt me again, I'm coming over that counter. My name is Miranda Bailey. I am Chief of Surgery at Grey Sloan Memorial, and I believe that I am having a heart attack.

Miranda Bailey (narration): On their death bed, nobody wishes they'd worked more. That's the trite, little phrase people trot out when they want to play hooky or spend too much money on vacation or shame working parents for missing their kid's soccer game for a board meeting. On your deathbed, no one wishes they'd worked more. Tell that to the people who love their work. It's not about whether you spend your life in a board room, your bedroom, or on a beach with a Mai Tai in Maui. When you look back on your life, the only thing that matters is... Did you spend it doing what you love? With the people you love? Were you happy? Did you make the most of this beautiful, terrifying, messed-up life? Did you let go of all the things that held you back? So you can hold on to what matters most?

Jenny: Do you think he's evil? I mean, I'm a scientist, and I think I'm an atheist. But there's a little part of me that's worried that the girl in Billings is getting an evil kidney.

Jo Wilson: Hmm. I don't believe that anyone is just evil. If people were just one thing, life would be so much simpler. Paul was awful in this life, but now, in death, he gets to do all this good. So there's light and darkness, and they both coexist. And sometimes it's really beautiful.

Miranda Bailey: 12 years old. In his own house. It's time to give Tuck the talk.

Ben Warren: I know.

(Later that day...)

Tuck: I am William George Bailey Jones. I'm 13 years old. And I have nothing to harm you.

Miranda Bailey: That's good, baby. You always have to show the police where your hands are. And always say what you're doing before you do it.

Ben Warren: Be in control of your emotions. Be polite and... and respectful.

Miranda Bailey: Yeah, don't fight back. Don't talk back. Do not make any sudden movements. Remember, your only goal is to get home safely.

Ben Warren: If you get detained, don't sign anything or... or write anything. Wait for a parent before you talk.

Miranda Bailey: And if your white friends are saying things or mouthing off, know that you cannot. You can't go climbing through windows, play with toy guns, throw rocks. And you cannot ever run away from them, no matter how afraid you are.

Ben Warren: Never, never... never run.

Miranda Bailey: Everything that we're saying to you we're saying because we want you to come home again. We want you to grow up to be anything and everything that you want to be. Do you hear me? You... are amazing. You are perfect. And we want you to stay that way.

Officer: It was a high-pressure situation. An officer made a judgment call.

Jackson Avery: No. There's no judgment in that call. That was just a reaction. You see skin color. We all do. But the reaction that you give to a white kid versus a brown kid in that split second? That's the measurable, fixable difference. Bias is human. You have guns. You're using guns. So yours is lethal.

Other officer: We aren't racist. We just never know who has a gun.

Jackson Avery: I didn't say anything about racist. I said biased. And lucky for us, bias is fixable. You have protocols in place. Those can be adjusted. You can fix it. Or you can keep pretending that it doesn't exist at all. Kids are dying. This kid is dead. For what? So many people that look just like him are dying. For what?

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