Grey’s Anatomy Quotes

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Meredith Grey: Did you see anything? Any dead people? I did. I even saw my dead dog.

April Kepner: No. No, I didn't. I... I remember calling 911. I remember falling, realizing I couldn't get up. And I remember... feeling warmer... and warmer... and safer. And then... And then I was here.

Meredith Grey: I came back.

Alex Karev: I remember.

Meredith Grey: All this time, I felt like I'd been robbed, but... I came back, so all the years I had with Derek and the... the kids and the marriage, it's... it's all a bonus.

Arizona Robbins: What happened? (to April)

Owen Hunt: MVC. They rolled a car. I found her in a ravine. She was hypothermic.

Richard Webber: She and Matthew Taylor...

Owen Hunt: Yeah, they've been doing volunteer work together at a clinic...

Arizona Robbins: No, they've been seeing each other. For months now. She didn't want to tell anybody. She didn't want the judgments or the opinions about how long he'd waited or... whether or not she was doing the right thing. She said it was different than before. You know, that they've been through so much since they were together. She lost a child, and... he lost a wife, and... that they knew each other's pain like they knew their own. And that they knew how fragile it is, how rare it is. That something good could come out of so much pain. And they fell in love again. She's in love.

Alex Karev: I hated Kepner at first. I hated her because I wished I was more like her. She was always prepared, always excited. She... She cared. She liked her patients. And she knew her stuff. She's good. She was all the things I wasn't, all the things I had to work to be. She was just born that way.

Meredith Grey: You gotta stop saying "was."

Owen Hunt: I was up all night, worrying about Leo being too cold, so then I made it too hot, then I woke him up. Hey, when did Tuck start sleeping through the night?

Miranda Bailey: You're asking parenting advice?

Owen Hunt: Yeah, I just can't seem to find the right...

Miranda Bailey: You ever heard of the black lace-weaver spider?

Owen Hunt: The...

Miranda Bailey: Well, she lays about 50 to 100 eggs, and when her babies reach a certain age, she taps her web and calls them to her. They swarm her, stab into her with their straw-like stingers, the mother's innards liquefy, and they suck her up, like a milkshake, for their nourishment, leaving her a dead husk, and then, they go on with their lives. That's parenting. That's my advice.

Owen Hunt: Huh. Well, that's helpful. Thanks. Yeah.

(Arizona said to Bailey she's gonna move to New York)

Miranda Bailey: I thought you were a pixie stick.

Arizona Robbins: Huh?

Miranda Bailey: When I met you, I thought you were an empty vessel, full of sugar, who skated in a hospital. I didn't know then that it would be one of the great privileges of my life to know you and to work with you...

Arizona Robbins: Nope. I can't. I'm sorry. Thank you.

Miranda Bailey: And that...

Arizona Robbins: You, too.

Meredith Grey (narration): In surgery, we work to make our sutures as precise as we can. We try to minimize scars and to return full function. We try not to leave any trace of the injury. In Japan, when a piece of pottery breaks, some potters fill the cracks with gold. The potters, they see the repair as something beautiful. They know that the unexpected happens. Change happens. They know that nobody gets through this world in one piece. That doesn't have to diminish us. The cracks are part of our history. They will always be with us. They made us better. They made us stronger. They made us something new.

Miranda Bailey (to Dr. Roy): I would like to tell you... that you are lucky. Lucky to learn from good doctors who have given everything in the face of obstacles you cannot begin to imagine. People that fought and bled to pave a way. Doctors like me. And I have made mistakes, but firing you was not one of them. You got what you deserve. That said... I am willing to have you back for a one-year probationary period, during which time I will watch you like a hawk. I've spent the better part of a year researching the best way to get up in someone's butt, so expect to find me up yours. And if... if you don't screw it up, I will shape you into an amazing surgeon.

Alex Karev: Sorry me and my family is so depressing.

Jo Wilson: Shut up.

Alex Karev: She had one really good year when I was a kid. She worked at that library, and I would hang out with her there. We'd play hide-and-seek in the stacks. My whole life, all I ever wanted was a mom who wasn't sick. I didn't care about toys or sports or any of that crap. I just wanted a mom who was okay. And she is. She finally is. And she doesn't want me there.

Jo Wilson: You may never hear what you want to hear from your mom. You may never get an acknowledgment. You may never get an apology. But you have a shot at having a mom. And that... Alex, that's... That's something that's real.

Arizona Robbins (to a patient): M-My family used to move around a lot, which was really scary. But whenever we'd get somewhere new, first thing, my dad would... my dad would take me skating. And so no matter where I was in the world, that would stay the same. And I... I felt safe. I did it in college, um, and I did it in med school, and then I did it when I first got my job here. Um, I worked with kids, and so it kind of made them feel safe, too. And then I was in an accident. And they told me that... that I may lose my leg. And all I could think about was... I'll never be able to skate again. And a lot of my life would change, but that seemingly tiny thing felt like... I felt like my whole life was being taken away from me. And that all the stuff that my dad had given me, you know, all the magic and all the safety, was just gonna be gone. And so I made my wife promise me that she would not let them take my leg. No... matter... what. But then it came down to my life or my leg. And they needed her consent to amputate. I am so lucky... that she and my doctors could clearly see what I couldn't. And you know what? I skated again. And my worst fear was wrong. And the only thing I really lost was my leg. And I would've died if I'd have kept it. And I have so much joy in my life right now. More than I could possibly imagine. I have a... I have a healthy daughter, and I have work that I love, and I'm okay. I'm... I'm great. And I want that for you. I want that for your life, too.

Amelia Shepherd: A day into my last detox, I was afraid I was gonna die. The next day, I was afraid I wasn't. You just got to keep telling yourself it is not forever.

Betty Nelson: Your life must be really pathetic for you to just have all this time to sit here watching me puke. Don't ignore me.

Amelia Shepherd: I'm not ignoring you. I'm ignoring the demon.

Betty Nelson: What demon?

Amelia Shepherd: Your last high. It is like a demon, and it is dying a painful death right now. And it knows it's dying, so it's trying to push me away so that it can live. But I am the exorcist. I'm protected. So the demon can say whatever it wants. I'm good.

Taryn Helm: Any minute now, she's gonna realize I am the love of her life.

Dahlia Qadri: Meredith Grey is straight.

Taryn Helm: Ever heard her talk about Cristina Yang?

Meredith Grey (narration): Before surgery, we ask patients a series of questions. Do you have a job to return to? Do you have a support system at home? We're screening for mental illness. Anxiety, depression, delusions. We need to make sure you're of sound mind. We need to make sure you know what to expect. But if we check patients for mental illness, why not surgeons? Someone should really get on that. Fixing your mental health isn't like surgery. You can't just run the blood work and check the vitals. With mental health, progress is way harder to measure and if something's wrong, we have to take action. There's a lot of uncertainty. There's a lot of fear. And what might be easy for one person, for someone else might take inner strength you can't even imagine. But we have to try. We have to stand up to our demons. We have to face reality whenever possible and ask for help when we can't. And when we do that, healing is possible.

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