Grey’s Anatomy Quotes

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Jackson Avery: Harper Avery was not only a permanent fixture in medicine. He was my grandfather. I take special comfort in knowing that he died. D-doing... Doing what he loved.

Catherine Avery: "Unbelievable"... was the word he used. Harper spoke about how he was astonished by our work here.

Jackson Avery: Which is really a testament to your work, the incredible job that you're doing under the superb... superb guidance of Chief Bailey here.

Amelia Shepherd: You are gonna have to tell Meredith because I can't do it. (about her tumor) She's been telling me I'm crazy for years, and, um... this kind of makes me... kind of makes her right. And I hate that. I... I that more than anything, I-I hate that.

Richard Webber (to Amelia): I've checked your mortality rates since you arrived at Grey-Sloan. It's a 0.9%. Derek's was 1.3%. Yours is better than his, and he didn't have a brain tumor. All I see here is successes a-and surgical firsts. You didn't hurt these people, Amelia. But you are hurting the people that love you. If you don't let them help you through this, you'll hurt them a lot worse.

Carina DeLuca: It's no mistake that God put the G-spot in the birth canal.

Richard Webber: That's the first time I've ever heard those three things in the same sentence.

Meredith Grey: You're still wearing your wedding ring. I spend weeks in your office taking your advice. You're a bigger mess than I am.

Walter Carr: We teach best what we most need to learn.

Amelia Shepherd: I'm fine. I just... I need you to just follow my plan.

Thomas Koracick: I'm not gonna follow your plan because the part of your brain that makes plans is compromised. Your plans, your judgment, your decision-making, your impulse control... it's all tumor. You understand? You are not a sound mind now, and you haven't been for years.

Amelia Shepherd: He's the most arrogant teacher I ever had. I didn't want to call him for this, but...

Thomas Koracick: Say it. You have to say it. Out loud.

Amelia Shepherd: You're the best.

Meredith Grey (narration): I'm going to tell you a secret. Doctors are not gods. We like you to think we have all the answers. You have to trust us enough to let us cut open your flesh and poke around at your insides. So it's helpful if you think we have it all together. It's helpful if you don't know that, just like you, we're anxious, we're insecure, we're angry. You have to let us come at you with a scalpel. So it's helpful if you don't know that, just like you, we're wrecks. So, how do we do it? How do we save lives when ours may be falling apart? Well, for one thing, we never perform surgery without an assist. We gather the team... and accept we don't have to go it alone.

April Kepner (to Jackson): Look, Jackson, I get that you're really good at compartmentalizing. You know, like, I'm your friend, I'm your person, I'm Harriet's mom, and sometimes we have sex and that's totally okay with you. I get it. It's just that you are a lot better at it than I am. Montana actually caused me pain. Yeah, I thought I was... I thought I was good. I thought it was fine. But then I spent weeks wondering what it was. And if it was nothing, then it's just, like, casual sex. Which, to me is... I... It causes me pain, the way that we're doing this. And I... I don't... I think I probably have to move out.

Jo Wilson: The Sub-I with the glasses... he found the donor. Sorry.

Meredith Grey: If you want to be a shark, be a shark. Don't apologize for it.

Owen Hunt: I was gonna storm out, and you just made that really hard!

Megan Hunt: That was the whole design!

Miranda Bailey (to Jo): Karev is a puppy dog. And he wouldn't hurt a fly. Unless he thought that fly was hurting you.

Miranda Bailey: You don't know what it's like to be female watching men assert their authority by throwing lethal punches. You don't get an opinion on this.

Ben Warren: You know... you're right.

Miranda Bailey (to Jo): You don't have to listen to anyone on this because you are a powerful woman and you know your own mind.

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