Bridgerton Quotes

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Gregory Bridgerton: I want to be a balloonist one day.

Hyacinth Bridgerton: I believe it is called an aeronaut.

Gregory Bridgerton: I believe you are called a know-all.

Prudence Featherington: It is enormous. (looking at hot air balloon)

Harry Dankworth (suggestively): Indeed. And now that you're feeling better, ready to fly at a moment's notice.

Philipa Featherington (to Alby): What are they talking about?

Albion Finch: Apparently, they are great balloon enthusiasts. Who knew?

Cressida Cowper: I have come to a decision as to who shall be my husband.

Eloise Bridgerton: Splendid. And does this man know he is to be your husband?

Cressida Cowper: Lord Debling.

Eloise Bridgerton: The naturalist?

Cressida Cowper: You say that with such surprise.

Eloise Bridgerton: It is only... you do not seem to care for nature. Or for animals. Both of which are apparently his great passion.

Cressida Cowper: I care very dearly for animals. I love a good fur.

Eloise Bridgerton: Oh, I would not tell him that.

Cressida Cowper: Do not trouble me with the details.

Alfred Debling (about Whistledown): Has she written about you?

Penelope Featherington: She has.

Alfred Debling: And of what did she write?

Penelope Featherington: That I enlisted an eligible male friend to help me find a husband.

Alfred Debling: I say. Well done.

Penelope Featherington: For being a fool?

Alfred Debling: For stepping away from the herd, even though you risked becoming a target. Just like him. (points at deer hunting trophy)

Penelope Featherington: He is dead.

Alfred Debling: True. But at least he got to come to the party.

Penelope Featherington: A rather dull one, if I am honest. Forgive me. I should not have said that.

Alfred Debling: Do not apologize. In fact, I find your frankness immensely refreshing.

Penelope Featherington: I can offer you social contagion in exchange.

Alfred Debling: You must've done something truly heinous. I've foregone eating the flesh of dead animals, and they barely tolerate me for that great sin.

Alfred Debling: Are you enjoying the party?

Penelope Featherington: Immensely. And yourself?

Alfred Debling: Rather. Besides the fact that I am feeling a little like... well, prey.

Penelope Featherington: So you've come to my hiding place. Welcome. Although, typically, only abject failures and social outcasts are allowed.

Alfred Debling: You'll not take pity on a hunted man?

Penelope Featherington: Unfortunately, I require all pity for myself.

Cressida Cowper: Are you enjoying the evening, my lord?

Alfred Debling: More than they are, to be sure. (looking at animal hunting trophies)

Cressida Cowper: I would certainly rather be predator than prey.

Lady Whistledown: Though other young ladies may scramble for Miss Francesca's leftovers, they would be wise to remember the higher one flies, the further one has to fall.

(After Colin had a dream about Pen...)

Colin Bridgerton: Morning, family.

Benedict Bridgerton: You slept late.

Colin Bridgerton: Did I? Hmm.

Benedict Bridgerton: Something keep you up?

Colin Bridgerton: Not at all. I slept peacefully. No sooner did my head touch the pillow that I was met with complete and immediate darkness. Not even a dream.

Benedict Bridgerton: Congratulations.

(In Colin's dream...)

Colin Bridgerton: Pen, I, uh... I have not been able to sleep, not been able to... eat. I... I can... I can barely speak these days. My entire thoughts consumed by...

Penelope Featherington: By what?

Colin Bridgerton: By our kiss. By you.

Penelope Featherington: I... I feel the same. You occupy my every thought.

(They kiss passionately)

Lady Whistledown: Perhaps a return to the shadows is for the best. After all, a small taste of the light can lead to that most dangerous of emotions. Hope. And once hope is lost, a lady may become reckless.

Colin Bridgerton: I had to see how you were.

Penelope Featherington: You read Whistledown.

Colin Bridgerton: She is beastly to write such things.

Penelope Featherington: It's her job to report what everyone is talking about. It would have been suspicious if she had not. In truth, I brought this on myself. A sad, stupid girl who believed she might possibly have a chance of love.

Colin Bridgerton: You must not say such things.

Eloise Bridgerton: When you spread gossip about someone, it will inevitably end up in Whistledown. You must know that. But perhaps that was your goal in communicating the secret I told you in confidence. Or can you really just not help being cruel?

Cressida Cowper: I did not communicate your secret. But I did notice Miss Livingston whispering around the room after hovering nearby. You were rather indiscreet when you told me about Penelope. Perhaps if you were more decided about your former friendship, you would not have felt the need to gossip. I do appreciate your concern about cruelty, but perhaps you should like to find a looking glass rather than looking at me.

Young Lady (about the queen): She is leaving. She has barely spoken to any of us.

Eloise Bridgerton: Finally. Now I can stuff my mouth with chocolates without fear of appearing impolite. Excuse me.

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