13 Reasons Why Quotes

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Nina Jones (to Jessica): I wanted to be strong for you... to be what you needed, but I'm not. And I don't think that I ever will be. Maybe we're just gonna never stop being victims.

Bryce Walker: People talk a lot about what it means to be a member of a team. The brotherhood, the sense of belonging to something greater than yourself. It's about fighting together, but it's also about family. About knowing who will be there for you, always. And when it's right, when it's 11 guys working as one, there's nothing like it. No greater feeling in the world. Maybe that's why Hannah pursued me, because she had never felt that... that sense of belonging.

Hannah Baker: I know you think I'm this sweet, nice girl, but... I was an a**hole to someone at my old school. I was trying to fit in with these girls, and they were ganging up on her. And I thought, better to be one of them than to be her.

Tony Padilla: So, what ended up happening?

Hannah Baker: A bunch of stuff went down, and, uh... now I'm here. I just... I wish I could take it all back.

Tony Padilla: I try to do right by my friends, to be strong. To be true... like Hannah. But sometimes a friendship can't take the truth. So you find yourself trying to be someone you're not. So I promised myself that the next time things get tough for me, the next time I find myself struggling or being tested... I'm gonna think about the example she set for me... and hope that I can find the strength to do the right thing.

Clay Jensen: It was you? Why the big mystery? Why couldn't you just talk to me? Tell me what was going on?

Zach Dempsey: 'Cause I'm a f*cking coward. And you're not.

Tony Padilla: I've always been rough around the edges. Or at least that's what people think. Maybe it's what I want them to think. But Hannah, she saw right through all that. She was the kind of friend who challenged me, whether I liked it or not. Hannah and I had a relationship like... well, we kept each other's secrets. Me, I try to be a good friend... in the way I know how. Or if I don't... it eats me up inside. When we act out of anger... or fear... we can hurt people we don't mean to hurt.

Kevin Porter: When kids feel powerless... when they feel they have no avenue for understanding... they act out. Hannah and I, we failed each other. If we had only tried harder, each of us, to reach out, to understand, to trust each other, to let ourselves help and be helped, it would have made all the difference. I can't go back and fix my mistake. I can't change the past. We have to trust each other. We have to ask for help.

Kevin Porter: My name is Kevin Porter. I'm a guidance counselor at Liberty High School. I would say I help as many kids as I can. That's why I got into education. But I don't get to see every kid. I try to keep an eye out, but you have to count on kids to come to you. And not every kid who does come to you is able to ask for the help they need. Not every kid tells you the whole truth. Not every kid who comes to you in pain can tell you where it hurts. She said she didn't mean it. I made the mistake of believing her. Hannah told me she was struggling, but she didn't specifically mention suicide. I think we all wish it could have gone differently. We can have the best intentions and still fall short. Some kids can't speak their truth. Some won't. To us, to their families... And some kids have secrets they believe they have to keep for their own survival. And we may think we know what they're going through, but each kid goes through it... in their own way. And so they think they're the only person in the world feeling what they're feeling, and that no one could possibly understand. They think that what's hurting can never be healed. So they don't tell us. They hide, they deflect. They try to become the person they think we want to see. And for many kids, trust doesn't come easy. Trusting an adult with something so personal... I can understand her silence. I can understand why she couldn't say those words to me.

Hannah Baker (Clay's hallucination): Clay.

Clay Jensen: No. You don't talk. You don't get to say anything. This is your f*cking fault, Hannah. This mess started with you. I put out the tapes, and that was stupid, but you made them. You f*cked up people's lives!

Hannah Baker (Clay's hallucination): I know. I'm sorry.

Clay Jensen: Are you? Are you sorry? That doesn't do a f*cking bit of good because you are gone! You killed yourself and you didn't f*cking care.

Hannah Baker (Clay's hallucination): I did!

Clay Jensen: No, or you never would've done it.

Hannah Baker (Clay's hallucination): I was hurting, and I didn't think about who I might hurt.

Clay Jensen: You did an evil thing. Get the f*ck out.

Olivia Baker: We don't always get second chances... to help people. To be there... in the right way. To love them. We don't always know everything a kid is going through. But, kids, they don't always tell you everything they're feeling. Not a day passes during this trial... in the months it took to get here that I don't wish I could have wrapped my arms around her and told her it would be okay. But I never had that chance. How can you fix something if you don't know what's broken? Hannah didn't tell us.

Skye Miller: I can't keep pretending like I'm okay, like I don't need to work to get well, like it's everyone's fault but mine. I wanna live a better life than that.

Clay Jensen: You're gonna forget me.

Skye Miller: Oh, my God, I never could.

Clay Jensen: I'm just gonna be this one guy you knew one time.

Skye Miller: I can let you go and still love you. I'll always love you.

Clay Jensen: I'm gonna miss you.

Skye Miller: I'm gonna miss you, too. You're a good person, Clay. And you can help people. Just maybe not how you think they need to be helped.

Clay Jensen: Look, are they sure it's bipolar? It feels like kind of a blurry line between someone being manic and also just, you know, being in a really good mood.

Skye Miller: Clay, I tried to jerk you off in front of your parents. I mean, that wasn't just a "good mood."

Clay Jensen: Yeah. Yeah, point taken. That was pretty f*cked up. But the meds and everything... What if that all, like, changes you?

Skye Miller: I hope it does. Look, the person that I was, it wasn't really working for me. Like, the good moods, they could be amazing, but... I was like... dancing on the edge of a really high cliff and the fall was just really f*cking hard and far.

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