Klaus Hargreeves: Have you ever heard the fable of The Scorpion and the Frog?
Allison Hargreeves: What?
Klaus Hargreeves: The scorpion wants to get across the river, so he asks the frog to carry him across. But the frog's like, "Well, what's in it for me?" And the scorpion's like, "How about five bucks?" And the frog says, "Make it 20." The scorpion's like, "Ten." The frog goes, "All right, fine, 15." And the scorpion's like, "All right, fine, 15." Then halfway across the river, the frog feels this terrible pain on his back, and... eh... the scorpion stung him. You know? And the frog's like, "Well, what the hell? We're both gonna drown now," and... they both did.
Allison Hargreeves: What the hell is the point of that story!?
Klaus Hargreeves: The point is, frogs are b*tches, and we do not negotiate with terrorists, Allison...
Allison Hargreeves: No. No, no, no. I... I actually can't deal with you right now. Absolutely not.