Ezra Bridger Quotes

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(Kanan and Ezra are disguised as stormtroopers to help Leia on her mission...)

Leia Organa: Where's the rest of your team?

Kanan Jarrus: They'll be here, eventually.

Leia Organa: Good. Then you can steal my ships.

Kanan and Ezra: What?

Leia Organa: I'll explain later. First I have to deal with the lieutenant. Follow my lead and try and keep up.

Ezra Bridger: Wait. Why does she get to give orders? I don't get to give orders.

Kanan Jarrus: Do you ever listen to yourself?

Ezra Bridger: Yes, and I happen to be very interesting.

(Kanan and Rex are bickering...)

Ezra Bridger: Will you two quit it already? Part of the reason I took this mission was to get a break from this! Okay, Chopper and I will meet you at Sato's ship.

Kanan Jarrus (to Rex): He takes after Hera sometimes.

(Kanan and Rex wake up from being unconscious...)

Kanan Jarrus: What just happened?

Ezra Bridger: Oh. Uh... Did you see them? We were so outnumbered. There was a firefight. A big firefight, actually. You guys fought great.

Kanan Jarrus: Thanks. All I saw was you.

(Chopper shows them holorecording of what happened...)

Kanan Jarrus: You shot us! I can't believe you shot us!

Ezra Bridger: I mean, you, you were dressed like stormtroopers.

Kanan Jarrus: Yeah!

Captain Rex (laughs): You shot us.

Ezra Bridger: I set it to stun.

Captain Rex: Yeah, well, you should've used kill.

Kanan Jarrus: What!?

Captain Rex: Well, just in case it wasn't us. I mean...

Kanan Jarrus: This armor doesn't protect you from anything.

Captain Rex: Well, I told you.

Ezra Bridger: I guess that makes me copilot. (Chopper protests) I called it, I'm in the chair, I'm copilot. (Chopper argues more) Kanan, would you tell him I'm copiloting?

Kanan Jarrus: You're co-irritating me, both of you.

Hondo Ohnaka: The villain was upon us, I'm telling you! But young Ezra, he stood tall in front of me and withstood a massive atta... (Ezra walks in) My friend! I was just talking about you. How you and I rescued the generators from the evil Vizago.

Ezra Bridger: Yeah, that's not true. You stole the generators and my ship.

Hondo Ohnaka: What an accusation! You wound me!

Ezra Bridger: Chopper had the Phantom on autopilot.

Hondo Ohnaka: Well, that's another version of the story, I suppose. I'll tell you what. You can keep my generators. They are my gift to you. Goodbye!

Hondo Ohnaka: You must have many responsibilities, yes?

Ezra Bridger: Yeah, too many at the moment.

Hondo Ohnaka: Well, then join my crew, and I will split it right down the middle, fifty-forty. You won't get a better deal than that, especially from me.

Ezra Bridger: Wait, that's only 90%. What about the other 10?

Hondo Ohnaka: Oh, you want me to spend that on expenses, trust me.

Hondo Ohnaka: My friend, my friend. You might not be Calrissian, but I know one thing you are... You are a Jedi. Why didn't you tell me you were a Jedi? You know, I am an old Jedi sympathizer. I know. I wouldn't believe me either, but one of my best friends was a Jedi. I'm pretty sure we were friends.

Ezra Bridger: Well, I'm not really a Jedi yet.

Hondo Ohnaka: Well, then be a pirate Jedi! We will make an excellent team.

Captain Rex: Aim, then fire.

Ezra Bridger: Rex, I bet sometimes even you miss.

Kanan Jarrus: Speaking of, you're missing Jedi training. Which is now. Remember?

Ezra Bridger: You know, I can't be in two places at once.

Captain Rex: As a soldier, you're gonna have to learn to prioritize.

Kanan Jarrus: Well, he's not a soldier. He's a Jedi.

Ezra Bridger: Yeah. What if I don't want to be either?

(Chopper is so shocked he drops a helmet he was holding)

Kanan Jarrus: What's that supposed to mean?

(Sabine tells Chopper to lock his feet while Ezra is trying to lift him with Force...)

Captain Rex: Hey, kid, while you're looking through the Force, don't forget to look with your eyes too. The droid's got his feet locked down.

(Sabine and Chopper laugh)

Ezra Bridger: It's not fair.

Kanan Jarrus: Real battles usually aren't.

Captain Rex: The Jedi general I served combined the Force with his wits, and it made him a great warrior.

Kanan Jarrus: Let's end today's lesson by levitating Chopper.

Ezra Bridger: If I do, can I drop him?

(Chopper disagrees)

Kanan Jarrus: Sure.

(Chopper shocked and annoyed)

Ezra Bridger: What was it like to fight in the Clone War?

Captain Rex: I don't think the fighting ever got to Lothal. I tell ya, war was never dull. The general I fought with was among the greatest of the Jedi. I trusted him with my life more times than I can count. And I tried my best to keep that trust.

Captain Rex: You were brave today, kid. You jumped right in there to help. A great Jedi once told me that the best leaders lead by example. You do that well.

Ezra Bridger: Thanks. I've learned from a great Jedi too. Kanan.

(Ezra is checking out their clone armor helmets...)

Captain Rex: Hey, hey. Easy with those, son.

Ezra Bridger: Oh, yeah, yeah. I might move the dust.

Ezra Bridger (about Vader): Ahsoka, do you know who or what he is?

Ahsoka Tano: No, I don't. But I do know that he will be coming. They'll all be coming now.

Ezra Bridger: Then we've got to be ready to fight.

Kanan Jarrus: We must find the strength to fight, but the greater courage is knowing when not to fight.

Hera Syndulla: And we'll be beside you either way.

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