The Walking Dead Quotes

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Ezekiel: I know what you want from me... what I should be doing. But I can't.

Carol Peletier: People out there need you.

Ezekiel: Who the hell was I to choose for them?

Carol Peletier: You're their king.

Ezekiel: 'Cause I said I was a king. I played a part. And early on, I was shown that the stakes were these people's lives. And I still played the part. I knew. And yet I smiled. I can't do it no more. I can't be what they need. So, please just... leave me alone.

Siddiq: I don't want to make any trouble. Your dad didn't want anything to do with me.

Carl Grimes: He didn't, but... sometimes kids have to find their own way to show their parents the way.

Gregory (to Maggie): Our hippie-dippie kung-fu-fightin' friend may try and make you feel bad about it, but at the end of the day, you're the shepherd. And you can't have wolves wandering around amongst the sheep. It's as simple as that.

Rick Grimes: You took Negan's deal. I'm here to offer a better one. My people will win. Your choice is to forget Negan, switch sides again. And be a part of the next world that Alexandria, the Hilltop, and the Kingdom will build together. Or... we destroy you. Threats and dreams. Dreams and threats. Now, my people know I'm here. And what they do next depends on what you do right now. Yes or no? What's it gonna be?

Jadis: No. (Lets him get taken away) Talks too much.

(Letters / Narrative)

Rick Grimes: The plan is working. We're doing this. We're winning. We had a hard fight. We lost people, brave people who gave their lives to make sure we won. By the time it was over, there weren't any Saviors left standing.

Maggie Rhee: We beat 'em, but things got complicated. Jesus took prisoners, brought 'em back home. We're holding 'em outside our gates for now, till we decide what to do. Until I decide.

Carol Peletier: We took the outpost bit by bit. We thought we'd won. We were gathered up in the open when they ambushed us. It was over in seconds. Ezekiel, Jerry, and me, we're the only ones who made it back.

Rick Grimes: All of it, it's scarier than I thought it'd be, but we're doing it. We have to. Sasha was first, and now the's been more. The sacrifices are real. We need to make it right for them. The rest of the plan's still a go. We're moving on to the next step. I'm headed there now. The Sanctuary's still surrounded. They're trapped, cut off from their supplies. Every hour that goes by, we're makin' 'em weaker. The lookouts are all around the compound. They open a door, we fire. But if they open a door, seems like they'd have bigger problems. We meet at Sanctuary in two days to end this, to win it all. It's not like we haven't fought before. We fought every step of the way to this place, to this moment. The path has led us here, to who we are, to each other, to now. And we're so close. This can be our last fight.

Negan (to Gabriel): Jesus, Gabe. What you did, that is some horrible, cowardly, spineless sh*t. But I guess that's what a confession's supposed to be, right? My first wife was a real wife. My only real wife. Till death did us part. It was before this. I lied to her, I screwed around on her. And she was sick. And when she went... When she went, it was during this. I couldn't put her down. That is how I was weak. That is what I will confess. Because, yeah, maybe we do bite the big one here.

Negan (to Gabriel): You can use your weaknesses to drive your strength, and obviously, I am strong as sh*t. I took this place, and it was a damn free-for-all... A loose confederation of a**holes, an army made up of gangs of animals, and I brought it all together. The last guy that was in charge, he wasn't in charge of sh*t. He allowed people to be weak. I don't. I make them strong, which makes this world strong. You're gonna see, Gabey. See, I'm gonna make you my new special project. Gonna make you nice and strong, too. We're gonna find your special purpose. Hell yes, we are.

Gabriel Stokes (to Negan): There had to be some reason I did what I did. Maybe this is the reason. I think... I'm here to take your confession.

Negan: People are a resource. Money on the table. People are the foundation of what we are building here!

Negan: I like killing people. Oh. Well, I... I say it's about killing the right people. So, you kill the right people at the right time... everything falls into place. Everybody's happy. Well, some people more than others. But you kill one, and you could be saving hundreds more. And that is what we are all about. We save people.

Gregory: That's... That's why you're called the... the Saviors. Oh.

Gregory (to Negan): I know how it is... negotiating the slippery, steep terrain of managing resources and the population and the big, scary U. But you might know, it's called the unknown.

Ezekiel: Benjamin was the one who told me what I already knew, but couldn't hear... "If you're asked to be the hero... be the hero." I'm now ready. Finally. I've deliberated. I've made the decision on who I will be.

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