Supernatural Quotes

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(Dean on why they never go to L.A.)

Dean Winchester: All right. 450 miles to L.A. Land of gridlock, Botox, overtaxing, underachieving, smell of sweaty desperation. I mean, you can't breathe. The beaches are toxic. You got dudes in skinny jeans wearing sunglasses inside. Image-obsessed narcissists. I do like the yoga pants, though.

Crowley: We team up to save the world, and then bupkis. You don't call, you don't write.

Dean Winchester: Yeah, we don't care.

(After Jody meets Mary...)

Jody Mills: You okay?

Dean Winchester: Swell.

Jody Mills: Huh. Is that why you spent the entire ride up here telling me in extreme, excruciating detail how you killed Hitler, but, uh, you neglected to mention the fact that your mom is back from the dead?

Jody Mills: It's not like I just turn into a boring small-town sheriff when you guys are gone. I do stuff.

Elvis Katz (to Sam): You were possessed by the Devil? Like, Lucifer, the actual big, bad Devil, and you lived?

Alicia Banes: Whoa. Dude, you don't just ask someone about something that messed up.

Max Banes: Seriously, back off.

Bucky Sims: The Dean Winchester?

Randy Bull: No freakin' way. Aren't you dead? Like, four times?

Dean Winchester: Yeah. It, uh, didn't take.

Dean Winchester: Jody, you watching some kind of chick flick here?

Jody Mills: Well, Dean, I'm a chick.

Dean Winchester: No. No, no, you're... you're a badass sheriff chick. You're not a-a Rom com chick. Wait, are you a Rom com chick?

Jody Mills: Are you?

Sam Winchester: He's more of a, uh... animated Japanese erotica chick.

Dean Winchester: I killed Hitler. I killed Hitler. I killed Hitler. I think that entitles me to free drinks for the rest of my life. I'm gonna get t-shirts made.

Sam Winchester: You know no one's gonna believe you, right?

Dean Winchester: But you believe me. You were there.

Dean Winchester (to Sam): We gotta follow that car. Oh, I've always wanted to say that.

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