Supernatural Quotes

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Arthur Ketch: Let me just say that the Men of Letters is an excellent fit for someone with our... inclinations.

Dean Winchester: "Our"? As in you and me?

Arthur Ketch: You're a killer, Dean Winchester, and so am I. And if we go too long without something to track or trap or punch or gut, well, things get a bit ugly. Don't they?

Dean Winchester: How 'bout for once, you just try to be a mom?

Mary Winchester: I am your mother, but I am not "just a mom." And you are not a child.

Dean Winchester: I never was.

Arthur Ketch (to Mary): You're different when you talk to them. Softer. Weaker. Not an insult, just an observation. But when you hunt, Mary... you're one of the best I've ever seen. Now you might play at being the good mummy, but when you're in the thick of it, nothing but a blade in your hand and blood in the air, that's the real you, the best you. And I think you know it. And I think that scares the hell out of you.

Crowley: What? No snarky, devilish comments? You have nothing to say?

Lucifer: Thanks? I mean, all that effort. So you could've had me back in the cage, but no, you needed your sad, little revenge.

Crowley (to Lucifer): You brag of your superior power. Well, genius trumps brute force.

Lucifer: I know that look. Sam and Dean have got you down. Well, I still can't believe that you're working for the Dukes of Haphazard. Do you really think they care about you? I mean, think about it, Crowley. They kill your kind. It's in their blood. And you know... you know... it's only a matter of time before they come... for you.

Crowley: Shut your mouth, dog.

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