Supernatural Quotes

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Dean Winchester: Dude, he is dead weight, and you know it.

Sam Winchester: Look, Mick's inexperienced, sure. But these people have some serious knowledge.

Dean Winchester: So? Dude, what we do, you can't learn this crap in a book. You put on a flannel, you pick up a gun, you go out there. Either you get good fast or you get dead faster.

Crowley (singing): A hunting we will go, a hunting we will go, heigh --

Dean Winchester: Crowley, shut up. Seriously.

Sam Winchester: Gwen, that, um, that thing was a hellhound.

Gwen Hernandez: A... what?

Dean Winchester: Hellhound. Kind of hard to explain. Uh, basically, giant, invisible hounds from Hell. Huh... Wasn't hard at all.

Crowley: I understand that whatever sad little scheme that you're brewing up, I'm already 10 steps ahead.

Lucifer: And I thought pride was my sin.

Crowley: It's not pride. It's fact. You cross me, I crush you. You hit me, I hit you back twice as hard. You make me your dog, I make you my slave.

Castiel: In this article, you said, uh, you said that she was killed by an alien.

Herb Nelson: Well, not just aliens. Reptilians. You know... like the Queen of England.

Castiel: Right. Okay, well, that's very helpful. Thank you so much for your time.

Sam Winchester: Dude, um... after you get cleaned up.

Dean Winchester: I got baby wipes in the car.

Sam Winchester: Dude. Dean, I'm serious, man. You smell like roadkill.

Dean Winchester: That's 'cause I do all the heavy lifting.

Sam Winchester: You...

Dean Winchester: All right. I'm using that fancy shampoo you keep hidden from me.

Sam Winchester: You've been wearing the same pair of boxers for four days.

Dean Winchester: Okay, one, weird that you know how much underwear I packed.

Sam Winchester: That's what's weird about this?

Dean Winchester: And B, it's two and two. Doesn't count if you flip 'em inside out.

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