Star Wars Rebels Quotes

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Ezra Bridger: It's just there's so much against us. Do you ever wonder...

Leia Organa: If this fight is even worth it? Every day. But I'm still here.

Ezra Bridger: But you're a princess. You don't have to risk your life doing this.

Leia Organa: I feel like because I can fight, I have to for those who cannot. And I think you might be the same way.

(Kanan and Ezra are disguised as stormtroopers...)

Ryder Azadi (to Zeb): Kanan's coming. He said to make it look good.

Ezra Bridger: No, Zeb, wait! Easy! That's Kanan!

Zeb Orrelios: I know. (knocks out both Kanan and Ezra and drags them to the ship)

Stormtrooper #1: They're taking prisoners?

Stormtrooper #2: They do that now?

(Kanan and Ezra are disguised as stormtroopers to help Leia on her mission...)

Leia Organa: Where's the rest of your team?

Kanan Jarrus: They'll be here, eventually.

Leia Organa: Good. Then you can steal my ships.

Kanan and Ezra: What?

Leia Organa: I'll explain later. First I have to deal with the lieutenant. Follow my lead and try and keep up.

Ezra Bridger: Wait. Why does she get to give orders? I don't get to give orders.

Kanan Jarrus: Do you ever listen to yourself?

Ezra Bridger: Yes, and I happen to be very interesting.

(Ezra wants to go back to Lothal...)

Kanan Jarrus (to Ezra): I know you have to go, but that doesn't mean you have to go alone.

Hera Syndulla: We support you. We're family.

(Zeb and Chopper find a baby in a TIE fighter...)

Zeb Orrelios: I really hope that's not a baby Inquisitor. (Chopper suggests something) No, we can't just leave it here. (Chopper is adamant about it) We'll blow up the ship after we get the baby. What is wrong with you?

(Kanan and Rex are bickering...)

Ezra Bridger: Will you two quit it already? Part of the reason I took this mission was to get a break from this! Okay, Chopper and I will meet you at Sato's ship.

Kanan Jarrus (to Rex): He takes after Hera sometimes.

(Kanan and Rex wake up from being unconscious...)

Kanan Jarrus: What just happened?

Ezra Bridger: Oh. Uh... Did you see them? We were so outnumbered. There was a firefight. A big firefight, actually. You guys fought great.

Kanan Jarrus: Thanks. All I saw was you.

(Chopper shows them holorecording of what happened...)

Kanan Jarrus: You shot us! I can't believe you shot us!

Ezra Bridger: I mean, you, you were dressed like stormtroopers.

Kanan Jarrus: Yeah!

Captain Rex (laughs): You shot us.

Ezra Bridger: I set it to stun.

Captain Rex: Yeah, well, you should've used kill.

Kanan Jarrus: What!?

Captain Rex: Well, just in case it wasn't us. I mean...

Kanan Jarrus: This armor doesn't protect you from anything.

Captain Rex: Well, I told you.

(In an Imperial shuttle; Kanan, Rex and Chopper are disguised as Imperials...)

Captain Rex: If we don't get some help soon, we're gonna have a 3376 on our hands. I don't think you're gonna want to have a 3376 off your starboard side, now, would you, sir?

Flight Control: Shuttle S257, requesting your emergency access code.

Captain Rex: Copy that, sir. Priority protocol 7...

Kanan Jarrus (whispers to Chopper): This is the stuff I can't stand, protocol nonsense.

Flight Control: Stand by for code check.

Captain Rex: Cody and I practically invented these emergency protocols back in the Clone War. Trust me, the codes are good.

Kanan Jarrus: How are we getting in anyway? (Imperial shuttle lands next to them) How is it the Empire lets us keep stealing these things?

Captain Rex: Oh. I thought it was the same one we used before.

(Inside the shuttle there is cute image of Rex and Kanan on the wall painted by Sabine...)

Kanan Jarrus: I don't know why she does that.

Captain Rex: I believe it's called artistic expression.

Kanan Jarrus: Yeah? Well, my expression is wrong. I'm not happy about being on this mission.

Captain Rex (sarcastically): Really? That wasn't clear.

(Chopper laughs)

Ketsu Onyo: While I've changed, it seems you haven't changed at all. You're not giving up the courier, are you?

Sabine Wren: Nope. You're gonna have to take him.

Ketsu Onyo: And this astromech... Not very smart, sticking your neck out for it.

Sabine Wren: Chopper's more than a droid. He's a rebel and a friend.

Quarrie: Just what do you think you're doing?

Sabine Wren: Never get between a Mandalorian and a weapons package.

Hera Syndulla: I was a little girl when the Clone War came to Ryloth. My mother hid us below ground, but I'd peek out when the Republic ships flew over as they fought to liberate my world. I dreamt of nothing more than to be up there with them.

Quarrie: So, you left your family to fight?

Hera Syndulla: I left my family so I could fly.

Quarrie: As a combat pilot.

Hera Syndulla: If we want freedom, we must make difficult choices. I chose to leave my family, I chose to learn to fly, and then I chose to use that ability to help others in need. But it's all rooted in something I can't explain... A need to be up there. Because even when there are explosions all around me, and things are at their worst, I feel like I'm at my best.

Hera Syndulla: I did a little research on why it's so hard to land here.

Sabine Wren: And?

Hera Syndulla: The upper atmosphere is tricky.

Sabine Wren: Tricky how?

Hera Syndulla: You can get through it, but your craft never seems to maintain its power.

Zeb Orrelios: Whoa. What does that mean? I don't know what that means.

Sabine Wren: It means no power, no flying, just falling.

Zeb Orrelios: Could've mentioned this before I got on board!

Hera Syndulla: You wouldn't have come!

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