Star Wars: Skeleton Crew Quotes

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Jod Na Nawood: The distance between us and the key... is an illusion.

(Brings the key to himself with Force)

Wim: You're... You're a Jedi.

Jod Na Nawood: Can you keep a secret?

(After getting caught by Brutus and thrown in the brig...)

Wim: This is not what the galaxy was supposed to be like.

Melna: Girls, whatever you're running from, you need a much better story than At Attin.

Fern: But it's true.

Melna: Really? You're a couple of linderlings from the lost planet of eternal treasure?

Wim: Then when we get inside, we recall claimsies because they only claimed the outside.

Neel: That's... genius.

Wim: I know. These girls are so dumb.

Fern (watching them): These boys are so dumb.

Wim: This is mine. I already claimed it.

Fern: I called un-claimsies then claimed it for me and KB. No boys allowed.

Wim: No calling un-claimsies without the claimer. Everyone on the whole planet knows that.

Fern: Fine. Then I call un-claimsies now!

KB: Claimsies.

Wim: Claimsies. Blast it.

Fern: Thanks, KB.

Neel: They called claimsies. It checks out.

Wim: I thought you had me.

Neel: Your bones are too heavy.

Neel: If you found a real Jedi temple, shouldn't we tell the Supervisor? Or maybe our parents? Why do we have to dig it up?

Wim: Uh... 'Cause this could be a real adventure. No more pretend.

KB: Who cares about racing Bonjj Phalfa?

Fern: I care. What else fun is there to do on this planet?

Fern (to KB): You gotta act tough. It's the only way to deal with jerks like that.

Wim (to Neel): Don't you ever want to do anything exciting?

Neel: Did you seriously not know Assessment was tomorrow? Why do you think everyone's all studying all the time?

Wim: I don't know. I... Aren't we always studying all the time?

Captain Silvo: I know these cycles have been lean. That some of you have all but given up on me, your good old captain. It's all forgotten now. Because at long last, I've brought you to the only thing that matters. Cold, hard credits.

Brutus: Good men's lives lost for a single, measly credit?

Captain Silvo: Mutiny, then?

(Fight breaks out)

Star Wars Skeleton Crew Quotes

Star Wars: Skeleton Crew Quotes


Title: Star Wars: Skeleton Crew (2024)
Format: TV Series
Genres: Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi
Produced by: Lucasfilm (Disney+)
Release Date: December 2, 2024

Synopsis / Summary

Four kids make a mysterious discovery on their home planet that leads them to get lost in a strange and dangerous galaxy. (IMDb)

Characters / Cast

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A-Z List of Characters

Character Played by
Fern Ryan Kiera Armstrong
Jod Na Nawood Jude Law
Neel Robert Timothy Smith
Wim Ravi Cabot-Conyers

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