Grey’s Anatomy Quotes

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April Kepner: Tom, I, um... what I was trying to say is that I was horrible to you. And you were kind, and you were vulnerable and I was...

Thomas Koracick: Just using me for sex?

April Kepner: Yes, I was just using you for sex. And I am sorry. I am sorry for that.

Thomas Koracick: Look, no. I love being used for sex, Dr. Kepner. You can use me for sex, uh, any time you...

April Kepner: No, I didn't... I... No.

Thomas Koracick: Oh, you... you made up with God? Well, for whatever it's worth, uh, I'm almost certain God approves of you using me for sex.

Meredith Grey (narration): Life doesn't owe us a thing. It just is. Like a river, it goes where it goes. You can try to fight against the current. Or you can learn to ride it. As surgeons, we dedicate ourselves to an endless fight against the current. All day, every day, we fight against the current. Sometimes we lose, sometimes we win. Sometimes, the current carries us exactly where we need to go. And sometimes, it slams us right into the rocks.

Meredith Grey: I saved a transplant surgeon today. He was smart and funny. Hot.

Alex Karev: And, so, what? He's married?

Meredith Grey: Nope.

Alex Karev: Gay? Lives in a foreign country?

Meredith Grey: Minnesota.

Alex Karev: Same difference. So what's the problem?

Meredith Grey: No problem. He was just my patient.

Alex Karev: So he's smart, funny, and hot, and...

Meredith Grey: My patient. I really like the way my life is now. I just... He made me feel something that I haven't felt since Derek.

Alex Karev: But... you're his doctor. Is it really the worst thing in the world, knowing it's out there if you want it?

Meredith Grey: No, it's not the worst thing.

Owen Hunt: I came here because I love you!

Teddy Altman: You came here because your marriage is over, and you're terrified of being alone!

Owen Hunt: I'm not terrified...

Teddy Altman: Oh, please! You leave Beth for Cristina, and then Cristina for some random woman in a bar, and then you go back to Cristina, and then you go to Amelia to soothe your pathological need to be coupled up so that no one sees how sad and empty you are!

Owen Hunt: You're the one who's scared.

Teddy Altman: I'm not scared!

Owen Hunt: You always have been. Deep down, you're terrified to be... be happy. I mean, sure, you're fine to marry the dead guy, but when you have love... real love... staring you in the face, you run!

Teddy Altman: You don't ever get to talk about Henry. Do you understand me? I am not scared.

Owen Hunt: Please, it's what you do. It's what you've always done. It's the reason you can't make a real relationship work. You'd rather burn it all to the ground than risk being hurt!

Teddy Altman: Maybe because all you ever do is hurt me, Owen! You string me along for years with these half-baked declarations, and then you marry other women. And then you fly halfway across the world to my doorstep, and you convince me that this is real, that you're in this with me, that you love me, that you want me! And it has never, ever, ever been about me!

Owen Hunt: I do love you! I want you.

Teddy Altman: And then, when you have me, when you really have me, and you have me believing that you mean it, I find out that 24 hours earlier, your ex-wife, who you just screwed, told you to! I am done being your fallback. I am done being your damn sloppy seconds. I'm not your consolation prize!

Patient (to April): Pain. Unimaginable pain? Yeah, I know the feeling. God's not indifferent to our pain. Listen, tikkun olam. Tikkun olam means... that the world is full of brokenness... and it's our job to put it back together again. It assumes... that the world... is, uh, broken and in need and in pain. And it's our job... to fix... f-fix it.

Patient: Nowhere, in any faith, is there a guarantee.

April Kepner: I'm not asking for everything to be good all the time. But fair... I think that I...

Patient: Fair? Was it fair when Isaac went blind and then his child betrayed him? And where was the fairness when Sara had to wait 99 years before she had a child, and God said, "Sacrifice him"? And Moses couldn't even get past the bouncer to the Promised Land. And like I said, I'm not up on the sequel, but from what I hear, Jesus got a raw deal. Nobody in the Bible lived a life free of suffering or injustice, or it wouldn't have been a best seller. And if they lived lives like that, why should ours be diff... different? Now, if people only believed in God when things were good, I guarantee you, after the Holocaust, not a single Jew would be a believer.

April Kepner: 24 hours. 1,440 minutes. 86,400 seconds. That's all it takes for a patient to go from sick to healthy, from hopeful to dire.

Owen Hunt: One day can you bring back from the brink, change your entire life in one heartbeat, one single breath.

Meredith Grey: It's why doctors watch you like a hawk, hold you for observation. It's why we behave as if your every move, every sound, every input and output, is life or death. Because it is.

Owen Hunt: 24 hours. 1,440 minutes. 86,400 seconds. That's all it takes to save your life. To change your life.

April Kepner: One single day can pull us from the depths of despair.

Meredith Grey: And one single day can fill us with more possibilities than we could imagine.

Amelia Shepherd: Her brain scan is clear. And it's a sexy brain. She's 66?

Jo Wilson: Oh, well, if you believe her, then she's 166 'cause she's a time-traveler.

Maggie Pierce: Time travel? Like wormholes?

Miranda Bailey: Exactly!

Alex Karev: What are we looking at here?

Jo Wilson: Oh, wait. "Wormhole"... that's a great name for your device! Bailey is looking for names for her... colon thingy.

Miranda Bailey: No, I'm not.

Alex Karev: "Ass Gasket"... that's a good one.

Amelia Shepherd: God, if I could go back in time.

Miranda Bailey: No, you can't. Time doesn't go backwards.

(Owen is caring dummies heading for trauma training)

Amelia Shepherd (to Owen): Ah, good for you. I always said you should find more friends.

Meredith Grey (narration): The first surgeons were vivisectionists. When they opened a body, they had no intention of closing it. They just wanted to see what was inside. And what they found was a world of possibility. The possibility to heal, to reverse the damage, to turn back time. When the worst of our fears are realized, when everything we've counted on has disappeared, something still drives us to try to fix the past, or to find our future, when the only thing that needs our attention is the present. And its infinite possibilities.

Maggie Pierce: Jackson, what are you... uh, what are you doing here?

Jackson Avery: I, uh, just took Priya home and... told her we couldn't see each other anymore.

Maggie Pierce: What? What happened? Why? She was so perfect.

Jackson Avery: Yeah, she was. But, um, all the time I'm with her, I am thinking about you. Which isn't really fair to her. And I know what you're gonna say. I know you think it's complicated, Maggie, but... relationships have complications. I mean, you can get hurt in the game, you can get hurt on the sidelines. Hell, you can get hurt 'cause people are secretly married. How about I take you on a proper date? Hm? Go to that Italian place that you won't shut up about. Maybe we could have some wine... a lot of wine. And we could order dessert even though we're both full just so we could share. I can get you home... walk you up onto the porch... open the door.

Owen Hunt: That kid was rambling about, you know, things he hadn't said, and... I was thinking about you. And about how great you've been. About how easy you made... just... everything. And I'm grateful. I'm grateful for you.

Amelia Shepherd: Grateful enough to give me sex?

Owen Hunt: What?

Amelia Shepherd: I'm sorry. I just, um... I miss sex. I mean, not the complication or the absurdities of romance or our crazy tumor marriage. Just the act. And there are other options, but they are less appealing options. And maybe it's just that I know how good we are at it. Or maybe 'cause your whole military doctor thing was so damn hot today! But, uh... Sorry. God. Sorry. Uh, I-I don't want you to feel used. I-I...

Owen Hunt: Amelia. I want you to use me in every way you can think of.

Meredith Grey (narration): For surgeons, every day is game day. We've trained. We've practiced. We know the rules. Unlike the laws of science, the rules of life aren't always clear. Some rules are unwritten. Some rules are open to interpretation. And just when we think we have a handle on the rules, something comes along that totally changes the game.

Andy Herrera: I can't believe you used to do this.

Ben Warren: What?

Andy Herrera: This. That. Y-Y-You did that. And you were good at it?

Ben Warren: Um, yeah. Thanks for the vote of confidence.

Andy Herrera: I'm... I'm just saying. Y-You did this incredibly cool thing that probably pays a hell of a lot more than what we do, you did it well, but you walked away from it? Why?

Ben Warren: To do more. I mean, yes, I used to do that down there, with the patients in the OR where you're trying to fix them, but I, you know... I also cut open a guy with a clipboard. I mean, y-y-you know the metal part of a clipboard? Yeah, I broke it off and used it as a scalpel. Cracked his chest because we were nowhere near an OR and I... I did what I had to do. And I saved his life, but I... got into trouble. A lot of trouble. You know, but I-I never felt anything but proud. So now I'm doing a job where I'm the first one on the scene and I get to do whatever it takes to save that life. And that's only a good thing.

Andy Herrera: I was just looking for a "because fire" kind of answer, but okay.

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