Grey’s Anatomy Quotes

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(Social worker is coming soon to bring a foster baby for Owen...)

Owen Hunt: Okay, okay. I can't believe this is happening.

Amelia Shepherd: It is. It's good.

Alex Karev: Oh, dude. You're so screwed right now.

Meredith Grey: Dr. Bailey had a cookie.

Jo Wilson: Oh, crap.

Miranda Bailey: Why are you laughing? This is not funny. This is very not funny. I'm the chief.

Jo Wilson: It's very serious.

Meredith Grey: Will you take the chief up to the lecture hall, please?

Jo Wilson: Yes. Yes.

Meredith Grey: I have this, Dr. Bailey, okay?

Miranda Bailey: You'll do a good job? 'Cause he's very sweet, and his kids are very scared.

Meredith Grey: Dr. Bailey. I have this.

Miranda Bailey: I love you.

Arizona Robbins: You have never been high before. You need to be with people who... who can help you and keep you safe.

Maggie Pierce: I don't... I don't think I need my neck anymore.

Maggie Pierce (to Jo): You're so pretty. You look like a cartoon.

Meredith Grey (narration): Adrenaline is the body's response to stressful situations. It's one of many vital chemical compounds our bodies produce that alter our state of consciousness. Oxytocin makes us feel bonded with others. Dopamine makes us more alert and motivates us to seek reward. A lack of serotonin has been linked to depression. GABA, an amino acid neurotransmitter, helps reduce anxiety. And endorphins create a heightened state of happiness. Like the kind we feel when we win. Surgeons can benefit from altered states of consciousness, but only when they're achieved naturally. The lows drive us to do better. The highs of saving a life are the rewards of a job well done. And then there are times when our state of mind is altered and it has nothing to do with brain chemistry. New opportunities open us up to greater possibilities. New information and a new perspective can permanently shift our consciousness and the way we see the world will never be the same.

Jo Wilson (to Alex): I want to have kids with you. I love how much you care for Kimmie, and it really makes me want to have kids with you. And if it's okay with you, I would really like to take your last name. Because I've never had the last name of anyone who's loved me.

Meredith Grey: Here's a plane ticket to Zurich.

Sam Bello: I'm going to Switzerland?

Meredith Grey: You are voluntarily leaving the country to continue your studies at the prestigious cardiothoracic program at Klausman Institute. Congratulations on your acceptance.

Andrew DeLuca: What?

Meredith Grey: You applied last year.

Sam Bello: I did?

Meredith Grey: Here's a copy of your application and your essay. They were very impressed.

Sam Bello: Who wrote this?

Meredith Grey: You did. With the help of Dr. Pierce. When you land tomorrow, somebody will be there to meet you. They will help get you settled, and Dr. Yang is expecting you. You're going to love working with her. She was also the best in her class.

ICE agent (who came for Bello): I don't like doing my job at all. I don't even like wearing the jacket. Some guys like wearing the jacket. I used to. I used to feel good about it. I believe in law and order. You know, I... I grew up watching Westerns. I wanted to be the sheriff that rode in at the last minute and saved everyone. Now... I don't know what we're doing. Staking out schools, taking kids... doctors... I don't know what we're doing anymore...

Meredith Grey (narration): When you're little and you announce to your parents that you want to be a doctor, they're thrilled. You practice medicine on your stuffed animals and you dream. The dreams turned to plans: pre-med, med school, residency, fellowship. It takes almost 15 years to prepare to be a surgeon, but no matter how much you prepare, 15 years isn't enough. We spent our childhoods writing our dreams in diaries. As adults, those dreams quietly come true every single day. Only sometimes, we forget to notice until it's too late. So slow down and take it in. Let yourself feel it. Because sometimes, even the most beautiful dreams disappear when the sun comes up.

Ben Warren: Oh. Oh, no. You said it was urgent. I thought I was gonna find you lying on the floor. God, Miranda, you can't say it's urgent if it's not urgent.

Miranda Bailey: Now, you listen to me, Ben Warren, and you listen good. I know I gave you a real scare, but you have been scared long enough. I am not dying. My heart is strong and powerful just like me. I'm very much alive, and so are you. And it is urgent. It... is... urgent that we celebrate being alive right here, right now, naked.

April Kepner: I lost God. I-I lost Matthew Taylor's wife. I lost her in childbirth. And then this little boy died for no earthly reason, and... God was nowhere to be found. I lost him. And that's never happened to me before, and I got scared... and, uh, really angry. And all during our marriage, I just... I wanted you to know God the way that I did, and you never wanted to. And so, when I lost him, it felt like, I don't know, you've won or something. And... I hated that. I hated you.

Jackson Avery: Yeah, well, I was just trying to help.

April Kepner: I know, I know, I got it. You did. Oh, my God, you did. Things got... really rough, and I just... I needed to be sure that Harriet was okay. And of course she was because... of you. And I'm... I'm good now. I, uh... I found Him again. He and I are, like, tighter than ever. So you know. But I realize that even when it felt like He wasn't there... you were. So thank you. Thank you.

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