Grey’s Anatomy Quotes

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Richard Webber: I need a newspaper.

(Interns offer him their phones with news open on them)

Richard Webber: A damn newspaper!

(Kepner gets him real newspaper)

Richard Webber: Okay. It's a little pinkish. (urine bag) But the real test is... if you can read the paper through it, there's not a clinically significant amount of blood in the belly, okay?

April Kepner: That is... really cool.

Richard Webber: That's how we did it... in the Stone Age.

Alex Karev: My guy's in kindergarten. So, if you want to play human poker, my hand beats yours. No cuts.

Owen Hunt: It's not "cuts," Karev. This not high school.

Alex Karev: Well, you're lucky, 'cause I was a wrestler in high school.

April Kepner: What are we using for ER monitors in the meantime?

Richard Webber: We use the old-fashioned kind. You are our monitors now, people. I want you to rotate through your patients. I want you to take and retake heart rate and BP. Keep track on paper and notify Kepner of changes.

April Kepner: All right, everyone. Back to the Stone Age.

Richard Webber: Disrespectful.

April Kepner: Sorry.

Miranda Bailey: I thought we were prepared for this. We were supposed to have the whole cybersecurity seminar...

Tim Ruggles (IT): We are. It's this Friday.

Miranda Bailey: Why can't I get into the medical records?

Tim Ruggles (IT): Oh, have you tried turning it off and turning it...

Arizona Robbins: Don't finish that sentence, Tim.

Meredith Grey (narration): There are some disasters you just don't see coming, no matter how carefully you plan. A little surprise that changes everything. In surgery, we call it a complication. In life, it's a catastrophe. In surgery, we call it a complication, a disruption, a glitch, a nasty surprise. It calls for extreme measures. You have to react quickly, try to catch up, because it came out of nowhere. And it can take everything away.

Jackson Avery: Knowing very well that she might win tonight, Dr. Grey opted to stay in Seattle. A trauma came in, and she knew that she was the right doctor for the job. That's one of the many reasons that I'm so very, very proud to call her my colleague and my friend. Now, Dr. Grey has experienced more loss in her life than I think most of us would deem fair. She lost her little sister, Lexie Grey, who I know would love to be here tonight with us. She lost her husband, Dr. Derek Shepherd, who knew with total certainty that this night would happen. And she also lost her mother, Dr. Ellis Grey, who won this award twice... once as a resident... and probably would have won a few more if she hadn't been taken from all of us so young. The most amazing thing about Meredith, though, is that she takes all that pain, all that loss, and she turns it into drive... drive to save lives, to make things better, and despite all that she's lost, she continued to find joy in her work as a surgeon, as a teacher, as a mother. And she managed to share that joy through her spirit of discovery and of possibility and of hope right in the face of darkness. I am profoundly grateful... for the lessons that I have learned from Meredith Grey, and it is my distinct honor to accept this award on her behalf. Congrats, Meredith!

April Kepner: God, you're like Jackson. He grew up with so much money he never had to balance a budget or check a price tag, and he just takes it all for granted. And you're like that with your talent. You're... You're missing the Harper Avery Awards 'cause you take for granted that there's just gonna be another one. You take your talent for granted, and, you know, some of us work really hard, and we're just average.

Meredith Grey: You think I'm taking it for granted? I'm not taking anything for granted. I want that award so bad I could pick you up and throw you out a window, especially right now because my best friend's image is splayed out in front of me. Cristina Yang is the only one who gets just how badly I want that award. And, Kepner, you're not average.

Miranda Bailey: These are not O'Malley tears. I cried all of my O'Malley tears over the real O'Malley. I cried every day for the better part of a year silently in the shower. No, these are tears of rage... marital rage.

Alex Karev: Baby O'Malley and Baby Yang.

Meredith Grey: And there's a baby Izzie Stevens, who's having a baby.

Alex Karev: I see another one of me, I'm leaving.

Cleo (Baby Cristina): Stop looking at us! We are not your friends!

Richard Webber: It is uncanny, though.

Miranda Bailey: Right?

Meredith Grey (narration): Surgeons are scientists, trained to believe only in that which we can see and touch. But that training doesn't always take. Scientist or not, most of us who've been at this a while are forced to acknowledge the mysteries of life. We're forced to acknowledge that certain kinds of magic exist. And that history, and memory, and the ghosts of our past, are sometimes just as tangible as anything we can hold in our hands.

Meredith Grey: Listen, I don't think you're a victim. You were in a bad situation and you got yourself out. You're a survivor. And I was nice to you because Alex asked me to be.

Jo Wilson: What?

Meredith Grey: That's the kind of dumb stuff he does when he loves someone. But I didn't put you on my service because of Alex. I put you on my service because you earned the right to be there. And it doesn't matter if your name gets put on papers or not, Wilson. The only thing that matters is what happens in there. All that smiling make me seem like a serial killer?

Jo Wilson: Yeah. Or a preschool teacher with a drug habit.

Alex Karev: Avery bought a boat.

Owen Hunt: And a Batmobile, apparently.

Jackson Avery: This Batmobile goes zero to 60 in 4.7 seconds.

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