Fallout (2024) Quotes

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Betty Pearson: What are we gonna do with you?

Norm MacLean: Punish me with a demotion, I guess.

Woody Thomas: You've worked janitorial. You've done kitchen duty. Are you aware that, at every job you've been assigned to, your performance review has been "lacks enthusiasm"?

Norm MacLean: No, but that sounds accurate.

Betty Pearson: You're currently working with Computers and Information Maintenance. How do you like that?

Norm MacLean: I lack enthusiasm.

Betty Pearson: Uh-huh.

Norm MacLean: It's a predicament, isn't it? How do you demote someone who equally dislikes every job he's ever worked?

Dr. Wilzig (to Lucy): I knew I could trust you. You are a vault dweller. But if you're going to survive up here you need to start acting like a surface dweller.

Dr. Wilzig: I'm not going to make it.

Lucy MacLean: Listen, I don't know who you are or how you know the things that you do, but you are going to get across that wasteland. And we're gonna do it together. Okay? That's a promise.

Dr. Wilzig: No, you see, I've just taken a cyanide pill.

Lucy MacLean: What?

Dr. Wilzig: Vault-Tec Plan D. It was the most humane product that Vault-Tec ever made. It was quick, painless. T-Tasted like banana. I... I was surprised it wasn't more popular.

(Maximus posing as Knight Titus is fighting The Ghoul and losing...)

The Ghoul: Well, I guess basic training ain't what it used to be. 'Cause you drive that thing like a f**king shopping cart. Rule number one: read the manual.

(The Ghoul has shot Wilzig's leg off, Lucy and Ma June bring him inside...)

Ma June: Gonna need a new foot, Barv!

Barv: Trying to eat my beans, but okay.

(Lucy shoots The Ghoul with tranquilizer...)

The Ghoul: Well, now, that is a very small drop in a very, very large bucket of drugs.

Lucy MacLean (to The Ghoul): I'm going to have to ask you to leave him alone. Now, I acknowledge that I'm unfamiliar with your circumstances. But, at first glance, your treatment of this man appears unfair, and I'm obliged to intervene.

The Ghoul: Huh.

Lucy MacLean: Now, if your instinct is to harm me, as a person simply trying to deescalate a conflict, then I'll have to assume, of the two of you, you are likely the primary aggressor. In which case, I think everyone in this town would agree that force is justified. Unless you willingly stand down now.

Ma June: F**king vault dwellers. Geez.

Lucy MacLean: Well, I know that it can't have been easy for you up here, what with all the murder and-and the dirt. But the mission of the vaults should be important to everyone.

Ma June: And why is that?

Lucy MacLean: Well, uh... Well, you see, the idea is, um... that... we're going to... save America.

Ma June: Ah! And when exactly were you planning on saving America? The vaults were nothing more than a hole in the ground for rich folks to hide in while the rest of the world burned.

Lucy MacLean: We vault dwellers recognize, uh, and are grateful for the privileged position we were born into, and...

Ma June: You know what folks up here say about the vaults?

Lucy MacLean: What?

Ma June: F**k the vaults.

Maximus: It is a knight's duty to better this fallen world. You don't deserve that armor.

Knight Titus: Oh, you think you do? You f**k. They'll kill you for this. You...

Maximus: Not if I bring back the target.

Knight Titus (to Maximus): This f**king place. There's always something to ruin your f**kin' day. This wasteland f**king sucks. The clerics, too. With their bullsh*t. Sending me on stupid missions for remnants that turn out to be... a f**king toaster oven. You know what you could do with a f**king toaster oven? Do you have any idea?

(In a dark cave...)

Knight Titus: Go see if the target's in there.

Maximus: But-but, my l-my lord, I-I don't have armor.

Knight Titus: You earn the suit through acts of bravery. This is an act of bravery.

Lucy MacLean: I'm not going back without my dad.

Dr. Wilzig: If you insist on staying, then you will have to adapt. Question is will you still want the same things... when you have become a different animal altogether

Dr. Wilzig (to Lucy): Listen, you need to go home, miss. Vault dwellers are an endangered species here. You come from a world of rules, of laws. This place is indifferent to all of that. I do not think you would be willing to do what it takes to survive up here.

(Group of bounty hunters want The Ghoul's help with one last job...)

The Ghoul: Well, I tell you what, boys, whenever somebody says they're doing one last job, that usually means their heart's not in it. Probably never was. But for me, well... I do this sh*t for the love of the game. (starts killing them) You right, friend, about one thing. This right here was your last job. My paycheck wasn't quite what you expected, but... well, you know what they say. Us cowpokes... we take it as it comes. (throws the last guy into a grave)

(Quintus asks Maximus if he's the one who hurt Dane...)

Quintus: Your friend was promoted, you were not. You have ambitions, don't you?

Maximus: I didn't. I didn't do it. I did not. I... I wanted it to happen. Is that wrong?

Quintus: Yes. (chuckles) Yes. Violence... is merely a tool. We use it to bring order to the Wasteland, but violence against a Brother of Steel is a sign of weakness.

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