Cobra Kai Quotes

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Robby Keene (to Sam): I don't know if we'll ever use this in a fight, but if we're ever forced into a dance battle, we're set.

(Johnny goes back to the pawn shop...)

Johnny Lawrence: Kids from my dojo told me to get an Apple. You sold me a lemon. The piece of sh*t won't even turn on.

Lyle: First of all, it's a Dell, and it's not broken. Have you tried pressing the power button?

Johnny Lawrence: Yeah, of course. I'm not an idiot. (presses something on the side of the laptop)

(Lyle opens the laptop and pushes the power button...)

Lyle: Have you seriously never owned a computer before?

Johnny Lawrence: Yeah. I'm not a nerd.

(Back at home...)

Johnny Lawrence (to the laptop): All right. Let's see what you got. Move, stupid arrow. Bullsh*t. Where the hell is the Internet? (clicks everything and a lot of windows come up) Oh, sh*t.

(Johnny calls Lyle to help him...)

Johnny Lawrence: Yeah, a**hole, I clicked all the buttons. I still can't find the Internet.

Lyle: Have you tried connecting to the Wi-Fi?

Johnny Lawrence: Obviously. What's "Wi-Fi"?

Lyle: Dude, this is a pawn shop, not the Geek Squad. Figure it out.

Miguel Diaz: What about "No mercy"? You taught us to win at all costs.

Johnny Lawrence: Yeah... Well, maybe I'm still learning a bit, too.

Miguel Diaz: I just don't understand. You had no problem with us attacking anyone else. Why take pity on Robby Keene?

Johnny Lawrence: Look, I wasn't taught the difference between mercy and honor, and I paid the price for it. If I'm extra hard on you, it's only because you have the potential to be better than I ever was.

Johnny Lawrence: Cobra Kai is about being badass. And the baddest badass is the one who beats his opponent when he's at his strongest. Not when his back is turned, not when he's injured. Is that understood?

Cobra Kai: Yes, Sensei.

Johnny Lawrence: That means no more cheating. No more fighting dirty. From here on out, those are p*ssy moves, and you don't wanna be p*ssies, do you?

Cobra Kai: No, Sensei.

Johnny Lawrence: Good. It's why I had you wear white belts, we're starting over.

Daniel LaRusso: First rule of Miyagi-Do Karate, "Karate is for defense only." Second rule of Miyagi-Do Karate... "First, learn rule number one." It's really all about that first rule.

Johnny Lawrence: Miguel's lucky.

Carmen Diaz: In more ways than one. You know, when we first moved here, Miggy was having a pretty tough time. I never imagined a few months later, there would be an arena full of people cheering him on. But, um... To be honest, there were some moments I wasn't sure I liked what I saw. He had this look on his face. But that's just his, um... What do they call it? His game face? Right?

Johnny Lawrence: Don't worry. Miguel's a good kid. I won't let him go astray.

(Kreese shows up in Cobra Kai's dojo...) John Kreese (to Johnny): Congratulations. You did what I always thought you could do. You won. Cobra Kai is back where it belongs. Back on top. Everyone closed the book on us. They thought we were done. But now they see... (comes out of a shadow) That the real story's only just begun.

Robby Keene: I'm sorry I lied to you, Mr. LaRusso. I just wanted to get back at him.

Daniel LaRusso: I know. But you're never gonna find balance that way. You can't let that bad blood change who you are. I'm not saying you need to like the guy. I know I never will, but... he--he is your father. And believe me, you're lucky to have one. You just got to try to remember, he's--he's not a monster. He's just a guy with a lot of demons. Mr. Miyagi always told me there's no such thing as a bad student, only a bad teacher. And your dad had the worst teacher there ever was. It sent him down a wrong path. But you don't have to go down that path. Do you understand? You don't have to ever become... him. Trust me. You let go of all that anger, and I guarantee you, no matter what happens tonight, you go home feeling great.

Carmen Diaz: I'm so nervous. What if he gets hurt? What--what if he loses? How can you be so calm?

Rosa Diaz: Because I know that whatever happens to him, he'll learn from it. Also, I smoked a joint before we came.

Johnny Lawrence: There's one more lesson I have to teach you. You've all learned to strike first, to be aggressive, not be losers. I've taught you to strike hard, put every ounce of your power behind everything you do. But I haven't taught you the third rule of Cobra Kai... No mercy. The older you get, the more you're gonna learn that life isn't fair. You wake up one morning feeling great, and then life throws a spinning heel kick to your balls. Takes a big steaming sh*t in your mouth. You get an F on a test. You get suspended. You fall in love with a girl, and some other dude comes and steals her away. Your car gets set on fire. Just when you think things are going good, everything falls apart. That's how it goes. Life shows no mercy, so neither do we. We do whatever it takes to keep our heads above water. We do whatever it takes to keep moving forward. We do whatever it takes to win! Remember who you are. You're badass. You don't give a sh*t. You kick a$$. You're Cobra Kai.

(In the classrom students are taking a P.S.A.T. practice test...)

Miguel Diaz: It's just a practice test. Relax.

Demetri Conners: Easy for you to say. You have a girlfriend.

Miguel Diaz: What does that have to do with anything?

Demetri Conners: I gotta do well on these so I do well on the actual test so I get into a good college, which will lead to a good internship, then a high-paying job, and then, after a couple promotions, I should have enough confidence to get a super-hot girl. You got the karate thing. I gotta play the long game.

(Johnny brings his step-father the money he borrowed...)

Sid Weinberg: What do you want me to do? Leave it here on the table till you come back next week?

Johnny Lawrence: I won't be back.

Sid Weinberg: Of course you'll be back! You need my money!

Johnny Lawrence: I never needed your money. It's just the only thing you had to give.

(Daniel and Robby are training in the forest...)

Daniel LaRusso: How'd you do on the tree?

Robby Keene: I did all the moves without falling.

Daniel LaRusso: Good. Now that you've mastered that, you're ready for the next challenge.

Robby Keene: What's that?

Daniel LaRusso: Finding the car. This place is like a maze.

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