Bridgerton Quotes

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Eloise Bridgerton (about Theo): I know it is... odd, but I had assumed ours was merely an intellectual bond, a friendship based in like-minded thought and rigorous conversation. But what if you are right? What if he feels more?

Penelope Featherington: I never said... El, do you want him to feel more?

Eloise Bridgerton: My feelings about his feelings do not matter if I do not know for a fact what it is he is feeling.

Portia Featherington: Nothing makes the ton come alive like a fresh scandal.

Jack Featherington: All eyes and ears seem to be open for the freshest detail. I suppose all we must do now is redirect their attention.

Eloise Bridgerton: Perhaps the archbishop's talk of lifelong covenants overwhelmed her. Perhaps she realized that marriage is, in fact, a prison for women.

Colin Bridgerton: Ugh. Must you always be so... you?

Eloise Bridgerton: How else should I be? Married and silent?

Daphne Basset (to Anthony): I mourn for you, Brother. All of these decisions that you seem to make and then resent us for. Though they do not make you worthy of your family's respect. They simply make us pity you. Nothing more.

Anthony Bridgerton (to Daphne): You were born to marry into another family. I was born to carry on the Bridgerton name. That is what outweighs anything else. It is rather easy to be selfish when you have no one else to whom you must answer.

Daphne Basset: You can choose to be happy. To follow the desires of your heart instead of pushing away any feeling that comes to the surface. It should not be a luxury, but a right to choose, to fight for the family that you want.

Anthony Bridgerton: I fight... for the family that I have.

Daphne Basset (to Anthony): I have been here. And I have seen you at all stages. I witnessed you change the day he died. Do you know you did not even weep once? And you stopped laughing, altogether, in fact. It was as though you had become an entirely different person, consumed by the expectations of others.

Daphne Basset: I was delayed by doubts about whether the festivities of this day might or might not take place.

Benedict Bridgerton: Does the duchess not care for your bride, Brother?

Daphne Basset: I find Miss Edwina to be quite lovely and deserving of the truth, which we must not deny her.

Benedict Bridgerton: I'm confused. Who is denying what to whom?

Anthony Bridgerton: Benedict, you must excuse us. It seems the duchess has opinions.

Eloise Bridgerton (to Pen): It is a fool's errand to try to make an impression on those in good society who have not a single original thought. And what good is it anyway to make a name for oneself if it is only to be written on dance cards?

(Colin is hangover and grumpy...)

Violet Bridgerton (to Benedict): Whatever you have done to your brother, undo it.

Colin Bridgerton: I may never reach your capacity for drink, Brother.

Benedict Bridgerton: It's a simple remedy. If you continue to drink, there can be no after-effects.

Eloise Bridgerton: If only you would use your powers for good.

Kate Sharma (to Edwina): True love is something else entirely. It is when the rest of the world goes quiet. It is not eyes that meet but souls that dance. Settle into each other. Make room for each other until there is nowhere else to hide.

Anthony Bridgerton: That has always been the privilege of not being the firstborn. You both get to choose your passions and adventures, while I, on the other hand, must fulfill my...

Benedict Bridgerton: Tell me, dear brother, once you marry, will your duty finally be fulfilled so you can stop reminding everyone of it?

Anthony Bridgerton: I believe the reminders are also my duty, so no.

Colin Bridgerton: It is meant to be a sipping spirit.

Benedict Bridgerton: Have you not heard? The viscount believes in hurrying things along these days. First the wedding, now his drink. I hope, for Edwina's sake, the tendency stops before the honeymoon.

Anthony Bridgerton: Have you always been so vulgar, or has staring at naked models all day turned your brain to charcoal?

Brimsley: An ingenious idea, ma'am.

Queen Charlotte: Yes, that is why I thought of it.

Queen Charlotte (about a peacock): Does it fly?

Servant: Uh, some, Your Majesty.

Queen Charlotte: What kind of answer is "some"?

Servant: Well, it does not soar, but if you like, I can place it on a high perch and allow it to glide down.

Queen Charlotte: Only if you follow its path.

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