Bridgerton Quotes

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Benedict Bridgerton: Under what foreign sun did you apparently get so sturdy?

Colin Bridgerton: I was nowhere and everywhere. I shall not bore you with details.

Anthony Bridgerton: I must know, who are you? What have you done with our brother?

Colin Bridgerton: This time away was exactly what I needed. It has given me some sense of proportion.

Gregory Bridgerton: I should like some... proportion. (brothers laugh) What?

(There is group of girls surrounding someone...)

Hyacinth Bridgerton: What are they all squawking about?

Benedict Bridgerton: Like they spotted a side of beef.

Anthony Bridgerton: Is that... our brother?

Violet Bridgerton: Colin.

Francesca Bridgerton: I woke up early. Got dressed. Took breakfast in the garden. Because it is just another day. Shall we go? (leaves the room)

Anthony Bridgerton (to Violet): Perhaps we do not need to worry so much.

Benedict Bridgerton (to Violet): You do realize what tune she was playing just now, don't you? Mozart's "Funeral March."

Violet Bridgerton: Oh God.

(Outside of Francesca's room, everyone is trying to eavesdrop...)

Violet Bridgerton: Francesca is...

Gregory Bridgerton: Very quiet.

Hyacinth Bridgerton: Perhaps she has been stunned into silence by the beauty of that giant feather. I cannot wait to wear one.

Gregory Bridgerton: Perhaps she has swallowed that giant feather.

(Anthony and Kate are being all lovey-dovey and hugging, while the others are waiting for the game to start...)

Daphne Basset: I suppose that means they are cutting out.

Anthony Bridgerton: No! We're not cutting out!

Kate Bridgerton: No, not a chance!

Anthony Bridgerton (whispers to Kate): Unless we want to take this opportunity to return upstairs?

Kate Bridgerton: And admit defeat? Never.

Lady Whistledown (now in Pen's voice): It has been said that silence can wield more power than words. No one knows that better than me. It is in silence where one may find truth. All one has to do, I suppose... is listen for it. I know there will always be times when silence is necessary. And, of course, times when it is not. (back to the original voice): Gentle reader, you thought I was silenced, but you thought wrong. And if there is one thing you should know by now, it is that this author cannot keep quiet for long. Yours truly, Lady Whistledown.

Penelope Featherington (to Eloise): At least I did something. All you ever do is talk about doing something. You've all these great ambitions, these great plans, but I am the one who did something great, and you cannot stand it, can you?! And what do you think that makes you?

Eloise Bridgerton (to Pen): I do not even know you. I look at you now, and all I feel is pity for you. Sequestered here in this very room, writing your secret little scandal sheet, tarnishing everyone in town because you are too scared to stand up for yourself in reality. You are something, Penelope. An insipid wallflower, indeed.

Edwina Sharma (to Kate): Be the sister I know that you are. Be funny and brave and feeling. Be unafraid to follow your heart after doing the exact opposite for far too long. You have spent so much of your time shining your light on me. It is time for you to shine all on your own.

Mary Sharma (to Kate): It grieves me to think you do not believe you deserve all of the love in the world.

Kate Sharma: You took me in as your own. And you never treated me any differently. Everything I... I did, I owed it to you.

Mary Sharma: You owed me nothing. Oh... You never had to earn your place in this family. I loved you from the day I met you. Oh, love is not something that is ever owed. You came into my life... as a daughter, and I never saw you as anything else.

Eloise Bridgerton: Art Academy not going so well?

Benedict Bridgerton: I am an impostor, El. Turns out Anthony himself bought my seat at that table.

Eloise Bridgerton: That does not mean you would not have been accepted on your own. I, too, know what it is like to feel oneself an imposter. Parading around ballrooms in feathered frocks, pretending to be someone I am not.

Violet Bridgerton (to Anthony): Losing Edmund was the most difficult time of my life. And the pain that I felt... beyond description. But there is one thing that has given me at least some modicum of solace. It's knowing that I would still choose the life I led with him, each and every time. And I would undoubtedly feel the same pain I felt all over again if I had to because real, true love is worth it. No matter what.

Kate Sharma: It has been you. It has been you this entire time. Spinning my world off its axis, making me reconsider everything I have ever told myself. I came here resolved... to save my family. Everything I have ever done...

Anthony Bridgerton: ...has been for them.

Kate Sharma: Has been for them.

Anthony Bridgerton: Yeah.

Kate Sharma: You are the one who must stop. You are the one who must stop. Before...

Anthony Bridgerton: Before what? Before we both finally do something for ourselves?

Anthony Bridgerton (to Kate): Do you think that I want to be in this position? Contending with these thoughts of wanting to be nowhere except with you. Wanting to run away with you. Of acting on the most impure, forbidden desires, no matter... how much I must remind myself I am a gentleman, and you are a lady. Of that... of that scent. It has remained imprinted on my mind ever since the night of the conservatory ball on that terrace. Lilies.

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