Avatar: The Last Airbender Quotes

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Yue (as fox spirit): Don't you know what it's like to be hurt?

Sokka: Well, these scratches are making me pretty irritable, so...

Yue: Do you always make jokes when you don't wanna talk about something?

Sokka: What? That's not what I do.

Yue: You should go. I hope you can "recombobulate."

(Sokka said earlier: "I'm a little discombobulated.")

Sokka: I need to get to my friends before they get eaten by that monster.

Yue (as fox spirit): It's not a monster. It's hurt. That's what pain does to you. It changes you into something that you're not.

(Hei Bai attacks Team Avatar...)

Sokka: Hey, skunky! Why don't you pick on someone your own size? (Hei Bai goes after Sokka) I... I didn't mean me.

Sokka: That is one big birdie.

Wan Shi Tong: "Birdie"? I am no birdie. I am the spirit of knowledge itself.

Aang: Please excuse Sokka. He didn't mean anything.

(After Wan Shi Tong finishes talking to Aang and leaves...)

Sokka: Bye-bye, Birdie.

Katara (to Aang): You know, I've always felt I was a spiritually-attuned person. Might be why I crossed over with you.

Sokka: Is that a frog or a froggy thing?

Katara: I have no idea how he got in here.

June: What are you looking at?

Zuko: A low-life bounty hunter.

June: Low-life? Big talk for a little boy. (about Iroh): I'll let it pass 'cause your dad's kinda cute.

Ozai (to Azula): Zhao didn't discover the Avatar. Zuko did. He's the one who displayed resilience and dedication. That's what I expect from a future heir. Not self-serving flattery and coy whispers.

(Sokka finds little girl in the forest...)

Sokka: Hey! No, it's okay. I'm not gonna hurt you. You lost? Uh, my name's Sokka. Rhymes with "okka" and "wakka wakka."

Aang: This is all my fault. It's the Avatar's job to protect the natural world. That's just as important as helping people and fighting Firebenders. How many more forests have died because I wasn't here? Because I don't know what I'm doing?

Katara: Gran Gran says... life is a cycle. And out of death comes new life. This will be a forest again. That's what you should see. Seeds for the future. Not past mistakes.

Aang: We've been running into the Firebenders a lot more often.

Katara: We're getting closer to the Fire Nation border. It was bound to happen, even without Sokka's tragic dating attempts.

Sokka: Hey, how was I supposed to know she was a Fire Nation soldier?

Zuko: What are you doing here, Uncle?

Iroh: Same as you. Getting ready to embark on what is sure to be a memorable journey.

Zuko: You wanna come with me?

Iroh: I've come fully prepared. All the tea I need.

Zuko: I don't need a babysitter.

Iroh: How about a friend?

Zuko: My father made it very clear that I'm not to return until I find the Avatar... which means it could be a very long time before we return home.

Iroh: Home. Everything I need is on this boat. Like I said, all the tea I need, hmm?

(Aang and Bumi are fighting, Bumi pulled parts of the stone ceiling off and Aang is now holding them in the air to not fall on them. When Sokka and Katara help, he lets the stones fall around them...)

Sokka (to Aang): Well, kid, you sure know how to bring the house down.

Iroh: We were at war. I was a soldier.

Earth Kingdom soldier: You were a butcher! You know... I can still smell smoke when I go to sleep at night. It never really goes away.

Iroh: War pushes us to the edge. Some of us don't like what we find there.

Earth Kingdom soldier: Is that your pitiful way of saying you're sorry for what you did?

Iroh: I wasn't talking about me.

Katara: The light of crystals? These things are everywhere. On the walls. On the floor. They're pretty random.

Sokka: It's a path.

Katara: It said "love is brightest in the dark," not "glowy rocks."

Sokka: Poetic license. Like the minstrel said, love is the answer. Love is all you need. Love makes the world go round.

Minstrels (singing):

♪ Secret tunnel

Secret tunnel

Through the mountains

Secret, secret, secret, secret tunnel ♪

(Sokka and Katara go into the tunnel...)

Minstrel: Yeah! They're doomed.

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