Avatar: The Last Airbender Quotes

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Katara: There's more to being a leader than just catching fish. You have to give people something to live for. That's what the Avatar is. He's hope. And we need that just as much as we need food and shelter. I know I do.

Aang (to Katara): The monks told me bending is about energy and balance. By feeling the energy around you, you can find balance. By finding balance, you can feel the energy.

Kanna: You don't know that Airbenders haven't been seen in generations and that the Southern Air Temple was the first to fall, because you've been trapped in that ice this whole time. The last time that the Great Comet was seen in the sky was 100 years ago. (Aang runs out) He may seem like just a boy, but he's much more. He is the last Airbender.

Kanna: Water, earth, fire, air. Long ago, the four nations lived together in harmony. Then everything changed when the Fire Nation attacked. Only the Avatar, master of all four elements, could stop them. But when the world needed him most, he vanished. And so the Fire Nation marched and laid waste, plunging us into a time of darkness.

Aang (to Appa): The other kids always say I'm lucky because of the things I could do, but I'd trade places with any of them. I don't wanna leave. I don't want the responsibility. I'm scared of my power. I'm scared of being alone! I'm scared.

Aang (to Appa): Gyatso says I'm supposed to be the Avatar. Me. Monks don't even trust me to feed the baby bison, and I'm supposed to save the world? He said I need to remember who I am. But I know who I am. I like to play airball and eat banana cakes and goof off with my friends. That's who I am, not someone who can stop the Fire Nation. Not someone who can stop a war.

Aang: Why do I have to be different? Can't I just keep pretending that I'm your friend?

Gyatso: You are my friend. You... will always be my friend.

Aang: I never asked to be special.

Gyatso: But you are. Aang, you are the Avatar. The Fire Nation has embarked on a dark path. Their actions threaten to throw the world out of balance. Only the Avatar, the one person who can master all four elements, can save the world. The world needs the Avatar. The world needs you, Aang. You're to leave right away so you can begin training in the other disciplines.

Aang: Right away? Leave my friends? Leave home? Leave you?

Gyatso: Now, this would be a huge burden for anyone, but you're not just anyone, Aang. You're strong and kind and generous. Remember that. Always remember who you are because I can't imagine a better person to have been given this power.

Aang: I don't want... the power.

Gyatso: Which is why you will make a great Avatar.

Aang: Are comet festivals always this much work?

Gyatso: Well, the last one was a hundred years ago, and believe it or not, I'm actually not old enough to have seen that.

Aang: Could have fooled me.

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