Avatar: The Last Airbender Quotes

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Ozai: You held back today. Maybe you saw that as a sign of respect, but it wasn't. It was weakness. You must purge that weakness out of you. You must be willing to give up the weak to make yourself strong. That is what makes us the Fire Nation. That is why we sacrifice the 41st Division. That is what you must do.

Zuko: Sometimes the weak can become stronger. Sometimes you just have to give them a chance.

(After Ozai burned Zuko's face as punishment...)

Iroh: Now is not a good time.

Ozai: I wish to speak with my son.

Iroh: He's hurt.

Ozai: He'll recover.

Iroh: But he'll never heal.

(After Ozai burned Zuko's face as punishment...)

Iroh (to Zuko): The doctor is creating a special herbal balm just for you. And the good news is, he says your vision will be fine, which means you have the good fortune of continuing to bask in my beauty.

Aang: You know what the Fire Lord is doing is wrong, so you don't have to be like him. You can show some compassion.

Zuko: How dare you? I'm the Crown Prince of the Fire Nation. I'll be the example for all Firebenders. And my father is a great man. Compassion? Compassion is a sign of weakness.

(Zuko attacks Aang with fire ball, Aang knocks him out with his powers...)

Aang: I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you. I have a feeling you've been hurt more than enough.

Aang (to Zuko): A lot of the time, when I was supposed to be meditating, I was actually sleeping. I always got caught. Probably didn't help that I snored.

Zhao (to Aang): Oh, you won't be killed. If you die, you'll just be reborn. We'd have to begin our search for the Avatar all over again so... you'll live. Though not well.

(Iroh pays June for catching Aang)

Iroh: Feel free to count it.

June: I trust you. You know why?

Iroh: Because if there's any missing, you'll come after us?

June: Because you're so cute.

June (to Aang): I've heard the stories about how you're gonna save the world. Here's the thing. Some of us don't need saving. Some of us have got this world figured out. You got your Firebenders and your Earthbenders and your whatever-benders, and they all want something. They're all willing to fight to get it. So if you're smart, you just sit back and wait for the dust to clear and then pick through broken pieces for the leftovers. Far as I'm concerned, world's just fine the way it is.

Kuruk: Yes, there are times when the Avatar must resort to force and intimidation, but in addition to being a warrior, the Avatar must also be a diplomat.

Aang: So we can solve the world's problems without hurting anyone?

Kuruk: We can try, but there are consequences if we fail. Painful... consequences.

Aang: I thought you'd all be like that. Aren't Avatars incarnations of each other?

Kuruk: We share the same spark, but we are our own people.

Kuruk: Who dares disturb the peace of the Avatar? Aang: Uh, it's me. Aang. Kuruk: Is it not customary to bow before your elders? (Aang bows) And to avert your eyes? (Aang averts his eyes) And hop on one leg? (Aang gives him a look, Kuruk laughs) Forgive me! I couldn't resist.

Iroh (narration): We spend so much time hiding who we really are, making sure no one sees the person we truly want to be. So it's hard to remember there was a time when we were truly excited to show the world our true face.

Gyatso (narration): Time. Time is a funny thing. The past, the future, it all gets mixed up. There's only one way to keep it straight. It's by remembering what really matters. Of course, keeping sight of what's important can be hard. Sometimes it feels like we'll always be alone. And the only thing keeping us company is our own pain. We tell ourselves we are the problem. Especially when things we can't control come our way. That's why we must let go of our pain and regret and remember what it is we're really fighting for. The ones we love. Let that be the light that guides you through the most treacherous of times... and the darkest of nights.

Aang: Can we talk about it when I get back?

Gyatso: Of course. You should hurry. Koh will feed again before too long.

Aang: Right. Once I save my friends, we'll have more time. (leaves)

Gyatso: Time. Time is a funny thing. The past, the future, it all gets mixed up. There's only one way to keep it straight. It's by remembering what really matters.

(Sokka steps ankle-deep into mud...)

Sokka: Spirit World. More like mud world. It smells like Appa after a rainstorm.

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