13 Reasons Why Quotes

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Olivia Baker: You're a coward and you're afraid.

Andrew Baker: Of course I'm afraid! I'm afraid of losing the case, the store, our livelihoods, everything!

Olivia Baker: We already have lost everything! There is nothing left worth having, except justice for our daughter.

Marcus Cole: I planted a seed for you. See, now if you get called up, they already think Hannah liked you. And if she came on to you, and you let her down gently, who knows what kind of lies she might've made up?

Bryce Walker: Well, f*ck me. Yeah. That's some high-level Jedi sh*t right there, buddy.

Marcus Cole: My whole life, my father told me people will judge me. People will assume they know who I am by looking at me. And that the deck is stacked against me. When you're faced with that, when you're without power, on the outside, you have tough choices. It's easy to hide. To give in to the pain. Like Hannah did. She started to believe that she was less than. To believe that a life of privilege and position was only for other people. But the truth is, privilege is a trap all its own. And we do ourselves no favors by keeping our heads down, by hiding. You have to find a way to hold your head up. When you're marginalized, powerless, you have to find strength somewhere. In friends. When you feel left out, when you feel like this high school world is against you, it can be lonely and frightening.

Ryan Shaver: It happens when you're ready. I came out when I was five. I didn't really have a choice. Guess I was just born fabulous. I'm just glad you made it out.

Courtney Crimsen: Yeah. Me, too.

Ryan Shaver: If you start driving a Subaru and wearing flannel, I will hold an intervention. Be warned.

Clay Jensen: You told me cutting didn't mean you wanted to die.

Skye Miller: I don't wanna die. I told you that and you don't understand.

Clay Jensen: Then help me.

Skye Miller: I can't. Because I don't understand it either. It's like I have all of these feelings, and I can't control them, like I'm a visitor in my own mind. And if I don't catch my breath, I'll burn up and blow away. And I know you wanna save me from that, and I love you for it, but you can't.

Jessica Davis: I don't blame Hannah for anything. That's how it is for girls. People judge you by the way you look, the things they hear about you. They put a label on you. I just feel like boys get to define themselves. They get to choose their identity, and they can hide behind it. Well, most boys. I think some know what it's like to be afraid... to feel like the world gave you a certain label that you have to live with for the rest of your life. But most boys don't know what it's like. Every single girl does. Even boys who mean well want to tell you who you are. So we just start expecting them to put a label on us. And we just do it to ourselves.

Matt Jensen: Clay, it's five o'clock in the morning. What the hell is going on?

Clay Jensen: Skye is my girlfriend. But we haven't had sex, although we tried. She's in the hospital right now, but not because she tried to kill herself. Someone just ran me off the road on my way home. Random? Maybe. Who knows? I can't explain any of it to you because I don't understand it myself. Now, does knowing all this make this any better or worse for you?

Lainie Jensen: Our agreement was that we'd talk about these things.

Clay Jensen: When the house is on fire, do you discuss the fire or get out of the godd*mn house? Oh. I need a f*cking car.

(Skye is being taken away by an ambulance)

Hannah Baker (Clay's hallucination): You really do have a thing for complicated girls.

(Clay screams at her)

Skye Miller: Well, I'm sorry! I'm sorry for trying to be f*cking spontaneous!

Clay Jensen: You could've talked to me, you didn't have to just show up at my house. It was weird!

Skye Miller: I'll tell you what's weird: you still being in love with a f*cking dead girl.

Olivia Baker: I sit in that courtroom, Tony, and I feel like I never knew my daughter. She kept all these... secrets. Why did she have so many secrets?

Tony Padilla: I think, uh... I think, sometimes, we aren't keeping secrets to hide from other people. I think, sometimes, we're keeping them to protect those people.

(Tyler shows Alex photos of him in the hospital...)

Alex Standall: Why did I do this to myself?

Tyler Down: You didn't do this. Everyone else at this school did.

Courtney Crimsen: It was my first kiss, see? And I felt like it was ruined. Maybe 'cause her own first kiss had been ruined, maybe because she just felt bad, but... that's the real reason she kissed me back. That's what's in those photos Tyler took. Proof. That she was a good friend. And maybe that means I was bullying her the whole time. I don't know, but... that's the truth.

Hannah Baker (Clay's hallucination): You don't care about me anymore?

Clay Jensen: Look, I tried, Hannah. I did everything I could for you, and nothing worked. Nothing. And now you're back? And there's still nothing I can do.

Hannah Baker (Clay's hallucination): If that's true, why am I here?

Clay Jensen: Yeah. Exactly.

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