13 Reasons Why Quotes

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Olivia Baker: There are limits to what we can do to help another person, no matter how much we wish there weren't. So there's a limit to what we can do to protect them. And there are some things you just can't protect them from. I couldn't be there every time someone judged her or shamed her. I didn't always have the answers. I didn't always know all the right things to say. After everything that happened at Liberty High... Well, I think it was just too much for Hannah. After all that, it was just too much.

Andrew Baker: Hannah was the kind of person that made you want to be better. The kind of person who left an impression on everyone she met. She always saw the best in people, even if they couldn't see it themselves. But when she walked through those doors at Liberty High, that's not the girl they made her out to be. When people looked at Hannah, they saw what they wanted to see. They made assumptions. They spread rumors. When I think of her walking the halls with those kids... those eyes on her...

Olivia Baker: I remember he couldn't stop crying that day. He cried more than I did.

Andrew Baker: You were so strong, I think the nurses were more concerned about me.

Olivia Baker: You were scared. We both were.

Andrew Baker: Turns out we were right to be.

Hannah Baker: If you could see the future, would you wanna see the future?

Clay Jensen: No.

Hannah Baker: You answered that fast.

Clay Jensen: Well... Like, can I change the future? Because if I can see it and I know what's coming, and there's nothing I can do about it, then it's just anxiety.

Hannah Baker: You can always change the future.

Clay Jensen: So you don't believe in destiny?

Hannah Baker: I do. I just believe it can change.

Tyler Down: Do you mean, like a...

Mackenzie: I mean, like a date. It's an early stage in the mating ritual of homo sapiens. We agree to go somewhere together. I obsess over what to wear and then you obsess over if you should pay or if we're splitting it. We show up, it either goes great or it goes terrible, and then we decide if we wanna put ourselves through it again.

Tyler Down: What sadistic person invented this ritual?

Hannah Baker: It's a giant f*cking universe.

Clay Jensen: It is a giant universe.

Hannah Baker: Like, how are we supposed to do anything significant? Anything that means anything? We're not even dots.

Clay Jensen: But, somehow, every day feels like life or death, right? Even though, at some level, it also feels like nothing matters at all.

Hannah Baker: Or means anything.

Clay Jensen: And, like, in a real way, we're all just accidents of birth, you know? Like, it's just dumb luck that we're not having this conversation somewhere much worse than this basement. Like, some shantytown in South Asia, or the frozen north of Iceland, or a burning desert in Africa.

Hannah Baker: But that's it. We are exactly who we are, in this moment, in this place, and I think that matters. Because without you, without me, everything is different.

Mrs Dempsey: Why would you keep this from me?

Zach Dempsey: 'Cause that's how we do things, isn't it?

Mrs Dempsey: What does that mean?

Zach Dempsey: I don't even know how you feel about Dad dying. I don't know how you feel about anything. What if I felt like Hannah did? Because I have, Mom. I actually have. What would you do?

Mrs Dempsey: Zachary Shan-Yung Dempsey, that is enough. Don't say such things.

Zach Dempsey: Why not?

Mrs Dempsey: This trial... That girl has put thoughts in your head. You do not feel that way. You're fine.

Zach Dempsey: Yeah, exactly. I'm fine.

Zach Dempsey: You fool yourself into thinking that by keeping things hidden, it makes it easier for you to get by. Even though you know you'd feel a lot better if you just came clean. Hannah had nothing to be ashamed of. I made her feel like she did. Because I don't tell people things, like I said. Hannah didn't tell me how she felt either. But now... I guess I know. And I'll be ashamed for the rest of my life. And shame burns.

Zach Dempsey: I keep to myself mostly. I don't always tell people things. I'm not good with... like, drama. I learned pretty early on not to rock the boat. To stay in my lane. I try not to be a bully. I try not to be a victim. It's a tough line to walk.

Kevin Porter: Your father, he's a churchgoing man, right?

Marcus Cole: Yeah.

Kevin Porter: What do you think he would say if he listened to your tape?

Marcus Cole: What would your wife say if she listened to yours?

Kevin Porter: Oh, I already told my wife everything. And I've taken a long, hard look in the mirror. Have you?

Marcus Cole: Just find out who did this.

Kevin Porter: Marcus, I am on borrowed time here at Liberty and I know it. But as long as I am here, I'm gonna make sure that the kids who actually need my help get it. And those that need something else? That they get that, too.

Jessica Davis: I remember when they said you would never walk again. Or talk. Or even be you anymore.

Alex Standall: Well, the jury's still out on that one.

Jessica Davis: I just feel like... I have this body, you know? And every day it gets up and puts on clothes and gets me from point A to point B. But it's like it's not mine anymore or something.

Alex Standall: Yeah. It's like you're living in a stranger's body.

Jessica Davis: And mind, sometimes.

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