13 Reasons Why Quotes

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The priest: Clay, you don't have to believe in the immortal soul to believe that people live on with us.

Clay Jensen: Wait, what do you mean? 

The priest: Just that... we've lost Hannah, but not the things she gave us. Compassion, understanding, love. Those don't go away.

Clay Jensen: Hannah Baker came into my life at the end of one summer like a star that fell to Earth. Like nothing I had seen, like no one I had ever met. She was funny, and smart, and moody, and... and maddening, and beautiful... And... I loved her. I loved her so much. And I ask her every day why she did what she did. But I get no answers. She took those with her when she went. Leaving me, all of us, angry, empty, confused. And I know that hurt won't ever go away. But there will come a day when I don't feel it every minute. And the anger won't be so hot, and the other feelings will fade, and I'll be left with only love. A good friend once said to me, "I can love you and still let you go." So, Hannah, I love you, and I let you go. And I miss you. And I hope that wherever you go next, you feel peace, you feel safe in a way that you never did here. Wherever you go next, I hope you know that I love you.

Olivia Baker: She dreamed of going to New York to become a writer. I'm not sure when that dream began to feel impossible to her. Hannah was my dream. And now I get to dream for Hannah as well as for myself. And so do all of you. So, please, dream your dreams. And dream them for Hannah, and don't let anyone take them away from you. Don't ever let them go.

Andrew Baker: Hannah had the biggest heart, which she so generously shared with all of us. So, please, be kind to each other.

Jessica Davis: Your Honor, when we leave this courtroom, Bryce Walker gets to leave convinced that he chose the wrong girl to have sex with. I get to leave constantly looking over my shoulder for monsters dressed up as the popular kid, constantly on edge and assuming the worst in every boy. The sentence you decide today can tell Bryce Walker what he did was wrong. It can say that to every boy, every man who behaves like he does. And it can say to victims like me that our story matters.

Clay Jensen: I thought a long, long time about what to say today. How to pay tribute, but also tell the truth. I have to admit, when I was asked to speak today, I didn't want to. To stand up in front of all these people. But it's what Hannah deserves. I'm angry. I'm sad. And I still have no idea how what happened happened. We're still learning all the ways we've been changed. All the things we've lost. We're just starting to figure out how to go on with our lives. I say "go on" and not "move on" because in some ways... we'll never completely move on from what happened. And I don't say "get back to normal" because life will never be normal again. Life is divided into "Hannah" and "after Hannah." Memories are sometimes a relief. And sometimes they're torture. But we hold on to the memories... because they're what we have left. And we have an urge to remember, to commemorate another time, to hold on to this as long as we can.

Olivia Baker: My daughter wasn't the perfect victim. There's no such thing. Hannah was a beautiful young woman. Full of life, and dreams, and passions, and fears, and failings like any other teenage girl. And we let her down. And people wanna point to the parents, but we didn't allow her to be bullied, and we didn't send her away when she came and asked for help, and we didn't send her back to class with her rapist. Boys bullied her and adults allowed it. You know, I don't know... a single woman who hasn't faced sexual assault, abuse, or worse. Not one. Many survive. My daughter didn't, and that's not her fault.

Justin Foley: The truth is Bryce was never my friend. Because he doesn't know what friendship is... I thought Bryce was all I had. But real friends will give you the bad news... The thing we're all most afraid of is losing our friends, is being all alone.

Sonya Struhl: Many factors contributed to Hannah Baker's suicide. Some of which we may never know. But here is what we do know. She never reported any of her conflicts with students and she never said she was raped. Her parents never reached out to the school for any reason. Hannah was a troubled girl with issues at home, a family history of mental health concerns, and evidence of low self-esteem. This was a tragedy. A promising young life lost. But school faculty cannot go home with their students. I'll leave you with this question. When do we hold the parents responsible?

Bryce Walker: I heard they just filed for another additional witness. That wouldn't be you by any chance, would it? You should be more scared than you are, Justin.

Justin Foley: Bryce, I've got nothing left to lose. That makes me the dangerous one.

Justin Foley: Bryce and I have been friends since the third grade. And friendship, it can be this really powerful thing. And friendship is complicated. You find yourself doing things you never thought you'd do. Because friendship, you commit to it. No matter what.

(Bryce's Mom slaps Bryce after he admits what he did to Hannah...)

Bryce's Mom: You've brought shame on this family. You're a stranger in this house.

Bryce Walker: Always have been, Mom.

Clay Jensen: It was all bullsh*t, wasn't it? All that about taking back the power. Big f*cking deal. We can spray paint some sh*t, they clean it up the next day. Nothing does anything.

Tyler Down: You wanna know what real power feels like?

(They go shoot guns in the woods)

Clay Jensen: Oh, my... This... This feels f*cking incredible.

Tyler Down: Right? Told you.

Olivia Baker: I don't want Bryce Walker's money. I want him dead.

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